Welcome to the BB!The proper name is:Blue polyp sea-fan
Here is the care for one:
They mostly rely on the photosynthesis of the lighting. They require medium-strong lighting to live long in the aquarium. They will also eat Marine snow, and DT's phytoplakton along with any other plankton. They are filter feeders, so leave skimmer off 1 hour after feeding.
Lighting Needs:
Needs medium to strong lighting. PC's, VHO's, or MH are recomended to suit its needs.
Needs a medium to slow current 24/7.
These arent the most hardy things out tthere compaired to its reletives the gorgon, and sea-whips. These dont tend to live long lives. You will need good water, a fully fuctional skimmer and sump, and not to mention good lighting.
I hope this helped! Also, i am not readint this from a book, it all cam eout from the old noggin.
Best wishes,