Blue Reef Chromis


My blue reef chromis are not doing very well. They look a little skinny, but other than that I can not see any fungus, ick etc. One of them has been missing for about 2 days, so I am guessing that he died. All the other fish are doing great and I don't see anything wrong with them. My blue-green chromis are flourishing. Do the blue reef chromis need some other special food, environment etc.?


New Member
I have three blue reef chromis I got from this site I thought theye would be peacefull with each other not the case at all! The largest of the three beats up on the other two all the time so much so that the smallest one Tillie hides in the rock all the time except when I feed them. Allso the color of these fish was less than I had hoped from pictures here. So overall I wish I had gone with some neon gobys instead :notsure:
Any one have aggressive blue reef chromis too ? I have a 29 gal only other fish are my two clown fish percs a pair I love them and theye don't seem to be bothered by the brc fish darting all over the tank. I have 25 lbs of live rock with lots of hiding spaces and all my water tests are coming up great. O and one cleaner shrimp I love him and his cool molting. Any who just thought I would add to the thread and mine are all eating great I feed them. San fran bay frozen marine cuisine, soaking in ro/di h20 with fresh garlic for a couple minutes, new life spectrum marine fish formula got with the fish from this site. And Freez dried Plankton I crush up into flakes for them theye love this! So thanks for any repleys and any addvise if I should let it ride with my brc or try to catch them some how I don't know how couse I have tried with no luck and do not want to distroy my live rock aquascaping just to get them out. :scared: Thanks I'll stop rambling now.