Blue Reef Chromis?


Active Member
These thinks are almost impossible to find locally and I used to see them on here and LA but now they are no where to be found.
Anyone know why? Anyone kept these guys?


Active Member
Very popular reef item, im sure they will be back soon. They are essentially Damsels so they are hardy along with being reef safe for the most part. I had a friend who had a rouge one that ate at his feather duster but thats about it. Plus they school so people buy essentially in bulk. 3+

crypt keeper

Active Member
qt 15 at a time would be very hard. But man 15 would be gorgeous. They are much better schooling fish that green chromis who eat other.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by mastertech
is that really true!!! "green chromis will eat eachother"
well I shouldnt had said eat. But they kill each other yes. In the ocean you will have an infinite amount. They fight for dominance picking each other off but you never see the number get any smaller because its the ocean. LOL. In your tank unless you have a very large tank they will fight to assret who is king and they will all die except 1. Majority of the time.


ok i see. the only reason i was asking is because a buddy of mine has two (1 inch) green chromis in a 14g bio-cube and one has light color blots all over. (not ick, just looks like a mis-color. i had assumed it may be HLLE but its all over) i can now assume its damaged scales from the pecking it has endured.


Active Member
In a 240g I hope I can keep multiple groups. As of right now I have 10 damsels in my 75g for 6+ months now with a DME and no die off or killing each other.
I think it will work long term in an 8' tank.

crypt keeper

Active Member
damsels arent too bad. The ones you have in that set up from the pics I have seen arent the most aggressive ones. That 240 is gonna be ----


I have seen the Blue Chromis not too long ago in a local store down here, I can ask if he can order some, I am not sure who his distributor is, but I have never had any issue taking the fish straight from the shipment with this guy. Sounds like we are within an hour or so of eachother. I am not sure how far Crypt is from you, but looks like we are all within an hour of eachother.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Moondog
ISounds like we are within an hour or so of eachother. I am not sure how far Crypt is from you, but looks like we are all within an hour of eachother.
Can you be in Maryland, and not
be within an hour of another point in Maryland?