Blue Ricordea Mushroom


Active Member
Does anyone have Blue Ricordea Mushroom? I want to get one, but are they hardy or whats the deal with them?


Active Member
yes they are hardy i find the color up best in higher light.(not to high).
rather common for the last few weeks around LFS in forida


Active Member
Yup, fairly common. My rics do better in medium light and low flow.
Smoney, no luck in finding electric blues?


Active Member
No, not to much luck finding the electric blues, but ill keep trying and this weekend im going down to this huge fish store in inglewood, so hopefully i will find something i like. looking for blue ricordea at the stores too.


Active Member
THE WORLDS LARGEST AUCTION SITE! whats the name of it, haha I am totally joking. But yeah good idea, I will check it out, the only problem is that the shipping is usually so much money.


I have a blue/green and it took awhile to find a spot that he liked. He kept moving around but final settled in my rock under a ledge. Guess he did not like too much light. He is doing well and spreading out. Looks cool at night when my main light is off and my blue moon lights are one. He shines a florescent yellow/ green.


Active Member
Ahh cool! I didnt know they moved around. So, are they kinda more like a anemone? I have just normal mushrooms and they dont move around?


Seems like it. When I got mine I put him were I wanted him and within two days he moved down the rock and onto my sand bed. So I moved him to a different rock and then the next day he climbed down and moved between two other rocks. It seemed as though he kept moving to dark areas so I moved him to a rock under a ledge and he has stayed there.


i have some blue mushrooms if u wanna work something out..........they're not cheap though.
i live in valencia, what about you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dodgersfan
i have some blue mushrooms if u wanna work something out..........they're not cheap though.
i live in valencia, what about you?
Hey Richard, I know its you, haha, I didnt know you belonged to this forum. Or is it Moy? I thought you were up north? Plus I didnt know you had any blue mushrooms?