Blue Ring


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
This is a pretty common theme for blue ring threads. They are awesome animals, very small and, as previously stated, potentially fatal. Allegedly, their bite is painless so most don't even know that they've been bitten until it's too late. They are short lived in aquariums, (like most octopi)... generally between 6 and 12 months.
And if you did get bit one day, then it's just natural selection at work. Good luck.

That's hilarious!
That does sound like a very friendly comment


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I don't really mind taking SOME risks. I have a lionfish and I stick my hand in the tank all the time but to me it doesn't make sense to get an animal that can actually kill you. This is a hobby, not something to die from. At least if a lion stings you, you know you're probably not gonna die. Not worth the risk in my opinion.
Unless you happen to be allergic...but even then the risk is very very low. I still go outside when there are bees, the risk is about the same.
That's why I wear gloves when I handle zoas and palys. Sure I am probably not going to die from palytoxin, but if there is even a slight risk of serious injury or death, I avoid it at all costs. I personally would never keep octopi, it just isn't worth it because they are short lived. You mentioned that you are a newb, is this your first tank? You might want to start with something a little easier to keep...octos are for experts.
I don't see the point. If I want to tell people that I have one of the most dangerous animals on earth I will lie to them rather than buy a blue ring. This way I will live to see 16 years old.
Everyone thinks I'm crazy....I have a Cobra, and not the ford muscle car, the snake kind lol. He is kinda a hobby but I have been in reptile biology for decades and lots of time around snakes. He could kill me with one bite and I don't even have to put my hand in the tank for him to try and bite. I guess I can kinda see why you would want one, interesting, a challenge? But my thing with it, is that you would really never see him due to his size and octo's ellusive nature in general. But I'm not gonna lecture if you want one more power to you, I would like to see a thread on it. My LFS had one and it only lived a month after shipping which I guess shipping is almost impossible with these guys. Just stuff I have heard and seen.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefaholic33
Everyone thinks I'm crazy....I have a Cobra, and not the ford muscle car, the snake kind lol.
That is badass! I had a gaboon pit viper and a baby rhino pit viper for about two years. They really neat. Not very active but man when it was time to put a mouse or rat in there watch out. A buddy of mine had a de vemonized Albino Cobra like yours. It didnt live very long. I think it had something to do with the venom not being in its system to help with the breakdown of the animal before it was eaten. Does that sound right?
I plan on having kids one day so now more Venom in my house. Just large pythons snakes. They like to give great big hugs.


Active Member
If you are still interested in some sort if octopus you need a completly seperate tank you definatley cannot keep them with eels. If you want a dwarf, go with the merc. Octopus. It's nocturnal but can be we seen at night with a redlight. You can maybe put 2 in a 20. There also very hard to find young. I can keep going on and on all day about this but if you are ready to get a completly new setup will answer whatever you need to know.


one of my LFSs has a reef tank with a divider that has a bunch of them in it.
if i'm there and they're bagging one up i go hide by the guppys until its put away haha
no but i would never own something like that, there's no "whoops i slipped and got bit" with those suckers. and for me i get bit by my puffers all the time so i would be an easy target lol
i guess the only way to survive is to receive cpr until the toxins are naturally cleansed from the body..which takes 1-3 hours


New Member
So i anticipate everybody calling me dumb but i did buy an octopus last night....but no worries it was not a blue ring. it was what i believe is a small atlantic brown. He has acclimated fine, changes color at will and is fairly small. He is in with my green wolf and SFE, I will post some pictures soon and let you know how he/she is doing.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Do you have your tank covered with zero holes? Like not even a 14 inch wide? They are vert smart animals and very strong. They squeeze through any hole.
Good luck with it. Green wolf probably isnt the greatest tank mate but you could have worse.


New Member
yeah i made all of the necessary precautions knowing how strong and flexible they are( i would be too if i had no bones). And i have weighted down the lids on my cover so he can't push out. All of that said i know that there is still a possibility that he could find a way out because of their cunning, slippery nature. And the green wolf has yet to show a lot of agression. I hear they get more agressive around 12" or so. I'm hoping they get used to each other as tank mates before either gets too big and agressive.


Active Member
I understand the desire for an octopus, they are amazing creatures. My question is why would you want one with the very limited life span they have?

salt life

Active Member
none of you are questioning why he would put an octopus with 2 eels and a trigger? There is not much to say to you man because you do zero research and you think your right when your beyond wrong. octopus need species only tanks and most times you can only do one per tank. Your octopus will attack your eels and trigger or your eels and trigger will start nipping at its head and tentacles.
I don't see why most people on this forum don't grow a pair and tell people like it is, everyone skips the fact about compatability and just reminds him to make sure his lid is secure? What is up with this.


New Member
Being brand new to the hobby, even if it only lives 6-12 months that is still a long time compared to my time in the hobby which is about 2 months. They're relatively inexpensive and I do like the more rare types of fish/inv's out there. This particularly species isn't that rare (i dont' think). But I love the eels and an octopus seems like a lot of fun. I am setting up a 55 to go along with my 75 that i will put him in if he outgrows this tank in size or demeanor. I'm not sure just how big he will get.


Active Member

Originally Posted by eeltastic
Thanks! and my LFS ordered two for a customer interested in them and ordered one extra one that he is selling. I am not sure where he gets them from but i can ask. Thanks for all of the replies...on a side note. Is there another octopus that i can keep with eels?
actually what are some of the other options for octopi in general? size of tank etc.? thanks ahead of time. and sorry for getting a little snappy salt water. One of my pet peeves on this site is pointless answers i have to scroll through, but i know you were just looking out for my well being.

Originally Posted by Salt Life

none of you are questioning why he would put an octopus with 2 eels and a trigger? There is not much to say to you man because you do zero research and you think your right when your beyond wrong. octopus need species only tanks and most times you can only do one per tank. Your octopus will attack your eels and trigger or your eels and trigger will start nipping at its head and tentacles.
I don't see why most people on this forum don't grow a pair and tell people like it is, everyone skips the fact about compatability and just reminds him to make sure his lid is secure? What is up with this.

Salt, I think the OP asked the question himself. Why did you feel the need to berate everyone for not taking a stand and instead answer his question? Come on you have enough time in this to know that in most cases you are not going to change someones mind that stated right up front that he knows how dangerous they are and does not care.


New Member
for the record, i don't have a trigger, but i have shown interest which is probably where that was assumed

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Salt, I think the OP asked the question himself. Why did you feel the need to berate everyone for not taking a stand and instead answer his question? Come on you have enough time in this to know that in most cases you are not going to change someones mind that stated right up front that he knows how dangerous they are and does not care.
I answered his question spanko when he first started this thread and his panties got up in a bundle, I deleted my posts so this thread wasn't about an arguement. so I guess this thread doesn't show the whole story. I know I/we can't change peoples minds but if a new person in the hobby comes here and says what can I add and where can I get an octopus that I know can kill me, I think it is ridiculous. Everyone on here is too nice to some people and then when there tanks end up failing they come back on here and say wth happened. Maybe if people were more up front and try and open there eyes then new hobbyists would have better end results. Read his other thread too, for a 75g tank he wants to have 3 eels,a trigger and a lionfish. instead of saying would this be ok, he says " Am I correct in assuming", IF he did research then it would be half the battle. I am not trying to be an a-hole to this guy and no disrespect to you at all spanko, but not only is an octopus better left for the more experience hobbyist,it would be sad to see this guy get hurt cause he wants something.


New Member
also SL, you act as though 'a little research' would answer every question. And it has answered a lot. But i also want personal experience answers because 'the book' isn't always right. And as you can tell by this thread alone. Everyone gives very different advice, so don't get your panties in a bundle when i don't take your advice the law. I think you give some good advice. But so do others, and not everyone agrees on here, which is why i wait for multiple responses. And obviously a new hobbyist is going to ask more basic questions, that's the nature of beginning a hobby this complicated. You shouldn't act so offended that someone would ask questions in a forum....we all ask questions...even you..."Is this a stonefish?" well with the proper research i'm sure you can figure it out. But nobody jumped all over your case for asking. Let the forums serve as such, and benefit everybody here.


Active Member
I agree with you on the octopus, I don't know what your first post was as you deleted it. I do think looking back that people have told him, even though he did not want to hear it, that the thing is deadly and even bordered on calling him ignorant. I don't know, as always this is just one of those kind of threads that get personal and becomes like

The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball, but its venom is powerful enough to kill humans. There is no known antidote....That's what I know about them. If you want something unusual, get an Angler.

n my opinion the fun part in keeping an octopus is interacting with them and with a blue ring you cant really do that. Because they are so rare and poor shippers to begin with, you are most likley to only get and adult which would last you about three months. I also know that the blue ring releases toxins into the water. so if you put your hand into the tank (which would be dumb in the first place) you would get a nasty rash or have some other reaction to the toxins.

Lions, stonefish, etc., yes, they are common in the hobby, however, a painful sting by an accidental brushing of the fins vs. a blue ring that are lethal with no antidote and have been known to perform actual sneak attacks is a different story.

You have to understand that most people believe that only ignorant people would have a blue ring based on the risk. That's why these threads always become arguments. I disagree. I say if you want one, get one... I'd love to see the pics and hear how it goes. And if you did get bit one day, then it's just natural selection at work. Good luck.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I agree with you on the octopus, I don't know what your first post was as you deleted it. I do think looking back that people have told him, even though he did not want to hear it, that the thing is deadly and even bordered on calling him ignorant. I don't know, as always this is just one of those kind of threads that get personal and becomes like

I understand, good luck eeltastic with whatever future decisions you make with your tank.