Blue Spot Puffer in a reef tank


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any experience with keeping Blue spot puffers or valentini puffers in a soft coral reef tank? I know that any snail would likely become a quick meal, but what about the corals themselves? I'm thinking a tank with leather corals (Colts, Toadstools), some mushrooms, zoas, and xenia. I have a feeling a puffer might try and munch on hard calcarous corals, but I don't know if he would consider softies as "food...."
Reason I ask is because my aunt's 90g tank crashed last week. She managed to save her puffer (her favorite fish) by transferring it into her son's tank. The kid had a plan to turn his tank into a softie reef, but I don't know if he's going to be able to now.


Active Member
I have kept valentini and saddle back, and they never bothered any corals, and only ate the smallest snails.


Active Member
I had a Blue Spot Puffer in my 125 SPS/gorgonian tank. Good fish. I tried various softies as well, but I also had a Blueface angel, that would finish those off asap. He never messed by the SPS, save for one tip he nipped all the buds off a Green slimer. No issues with frogspawn, acans, candy candies, or mushrooms.
I think a lot of people think they might be nipping coral, when they are actually on the hunt for pods/worms. Here's my guy, flipping over a favities frag hunting.



Well-Known Member
Thanks, both of you. This makes me a little more hopeful that they can still do a reef-style tank even with the puffer. Although I think, after watching that video, that I'll recommend they glue down the corals as much as they can!

BTW, if anyone has tried and FAILED, please chime in!