Blue Spotted Jawfish


Quick question...What do you think as far as reef safe? (inverts, small fish) I have never had one and desided to buy one. He has been in a quarentine tank for about two monthes and ending his time to be moved. So if you guys have had one or another type of jawfish please tell me the experiences that you have had. He'll be going into my 30gal that I have posted pics too numerous times, or should he go into the 120gal? The 30gal has a 2 inch sand bed and the 120gal about an inch.
Are these fish really rare or just different? Thanks Everyone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pco1988
Quick question...What do you think as far as reef safe? (inverts, small fish) I have never had one and desided to buy one. He has been in a quarentine tank for about two monthes and ending his time to be moved. So if you guys have had one or another type of jawfish please tell me the experiences that you have had. He'll be going into my 30gal that I have posted pics too numerous times, or should he go into the 120gal? The 30gal has a 2 inch sand bed and the 120gal about an inch.
Are these fish really rare or just different? Thanks Everyone.
Both, they are very rare and very different! Great choice! Very expensive...wont fit on my budget and I have never kept a jawfish, but my LFS has one in their show tank and that is a reef and I (and they) love him!!! Good luck with the little dude!


He costed me $100. But that was because he was part of a combined buy with one other blue spotted jawfish, and a pair of Helfrich's Firefish.
All great fish.


Active Member
They need about 3 inches or more of course sand with rocky rubble that they can pick up and move around when building their hole. Keep it small peacefull fish and inverts or you will never see it. It will hide in its hole if theres too much activity going on. They often jump out of tanks when scared.
Do you know if it was captive bred because they are only found in the Sea of Cortez and Gulf of Califonia and I think they have been band from collection by the Mexico gov. there. Could be wrong about the banding.


New Member
I just bought 2 yellow head this weekend, about 2.5 long. I put them in my 120 reef tank
Definitely reef safe. but keep with other docile fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by pco1988
Quick question...What do you think as far as reef safe? (inverts, small fish) I have never had one and desided to buy one. He has been in a quarentine tank for about two monthes and ending his time to be moved. So if you guys have had one or another type of jawfish please tell me the experiences that you have had. He'll be going into my 30gal that I have posted pics too numerous times, or should he go into the 120gal? The 30gal has a 2 inch sand bed and the 120gal about an inch.
Are these fish really rare or just different? Thanks Everyone.

Why would you pick up a fish, keep it two months and THEN ask if its reef safe?
No bashing intended, just curious.


Dogstar...he is wild caught, the way I heard it was the guy was arrested. maybe because he was still collecting them. who knows.
stuckinfla...Because if it wasn'e it would go in my 29gal which is only fish with live rock.
Also would it be okay for him to be in with a yellow watchman goby, and a juv. mimic tang? The mimic tang will be moving to my 120gal in about 6 months.


Active Member
What a great fish, Blue Spotted Jawfish are a beautiful fish and a great addition to any reef tank! I have a dusky jawfish in my 55gal and he is a lot of fun to watch. The key with these guys is to make sure you have a deep sand bed so they can dig their burrows (they need rubble to help shore it up). When I frag my Xenia mine will actually pick up the piece (keep in mind it is attached to a small rock) and will place it in front of his burrow.
Mine is a very shy eater and can’t really compete with the fish I have for food (2 clarkii clowns and a fairy wrasse). What I do is use a pipette and inject food into his burrow, this way I know he is getting enough to eat.
Again, that’s a great fish and I hope you have a lot of success with it!


What do you think about a 12gal nano with a deep sand bed with him and 2 Helfrichi Firefish? I'm going to get lr and ls from Dr Mac for one of my customers on tuesday so I could pick up some for the nano then too. How much sand and rock do you think I need?