Blue Tang and white spots


I believe my tang has ick. I am treating the tank with stop parisites and my cleaner shrimp is cleaning hi moff What else can I do? thanks


Staff member
Instead of using meds in the tank that likely won’t work, I would suggest you try hyposalinity. Is your tank strictly FO? What type of setup do you have?


We have lr, corral, 2 clowns, a blue tang, 2 gobies, one cleaner shrimp and 9 snails. What is this about garlic? Do I buy they garlic from the grocery store? I have no idea how to do that. thanks


Staff member
Well, I have to say that I don't agree with putting any type of medication in a reef tank. The effectiveness of the so-called reef safe meds is really hit and miss. Some people say it works, but more say it does not. Also, the long term effects of any meds on inverts or the overall health of the reef tank is unknown at best.
How are your fish and tank doing with this medication?
I would really recommend that you setup a QT for future use in quarantining new fish before they go into your reef tank. There is just no way to avoid introducing fish diseases to your tank without doing this.
As for garlic, I find that using fresh garlic cloves works best. In a container crush the garlic until you extract the garlic juice then mix in your fish food [not flake foods]. Let the food sit covered in the refridge. for at least 1/2 hr then offer it up to your fish [Not the garlic but the soaked food].


Staff member
The brine, the seaweed, frozen hobby food, or even fresh seafoods that you offer the fish.