I got a 10 gallon I am going to use for a QT.I just got a heater and powerhead this weekend and am about to set it up.I added some sand to my display tank yesterday and maybe stressed out the hippo tang because last night it was swimming around like crazy and then I noticed Ich on it.I didnt notice Ich on any other fish.I go to work real early so I didnt see it this morning,but last night the 2 cleaner shrimp were hanging out by were the tang sleeps. I dont have a refractometer and they are quite expensive so Hypo is probably not an option.Can I TRY to get the tang out and put it in the 10 gallon and treat it with some medication ? If so ,what meds and if copper after the ich goes away will it get into the display tank when I put the fish back in ? Tonight I am going to get Garlic guard to soak food in. thanks