Blue tang in a 20gal


My friend thinks he can out a blue tang in a 20 gallon HE MUST B NUTS!!!!!! i am telling him not to but he inststs :help:
please tell him off
justfoundout he waskidiing


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
hell no, start planning the funeral

LMAO........Talk about a Hyperactive fish in a small tank.
I love the way they'll say *Tang Police* round here and they're surely going to be on this one like Flies on poo.haha.
FOr the Record, it's absolutely possible to have a Tang in a 55g or SMALLER 20g Tank but it's pure Idiocy as the Fish will surely be stressed as sin and more Suseptible to ICK. Putting a Tang in a 20g would be akin to Putting Rosseane Bar in a 20'x20' box. :eek:
Tangs like to swim end to end and need Algea/Calerpa etc to eat. I wouldn't put any Tang in a tank smaller then 120(high 5ft") and they'll love you in a 125+ tank with 6+ of length.
FYI...This forum is for Intelligent Discussion of the HObby and as much Humor as I can get away with.hahaha. Treat your friend like a FRIEND and Explain to him what will happen. If he insists, Ask him to talk to a LFS that knows his stuff. If that doesn't change his mind, then Give me his E-mail and I'll tell him off for ya!


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
there are always exceptions. but 20 gal is way to small to classify as an exception

Hey man,
I know a dude that had a BIo-wheel, descent air exchange, no LS and lots of LR that kept a Yellow Tang for over 9months in a 20gallon. Not trying to step on your toes or anyone else's brotha but it's very possible. I generally don't believe anyone in this Hobby when they say something can't be done(within reason of course..hehe). He just fed it Calerpa from his buddies big tank.
Again, you'd have to be the biggest Idiot this side of I can't think of a good Analogie(LOL) to attempt the above. It's just plain Unethetical to keep said fish in said tank(to be blunt).


Active Member
There are plenty of things that can be done and are very "possible" but it doesn't make them right. I think we agree on that. When people on this board generally say "it can't be done" it is more likely they are saying "it shouldn't be done" or similar.