Blue Tang losing its color?


What would make my Blue Hippo Tang lose the color (blue) around its eyes? Its skin also looks motled almost like the scars from a teenage acne in humans


Active Member
All of the fish described here sound like they have the beginnings of Head and Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE). The condition is most prevalent in tangs and Pomacanthus angels. It's caused or suspected to be caused by several factors:
Poor Water Quality
Vitamin Deficiency
Electrical Leakage
The use of carbon
All of these things are theoretical, nobody really knows for absolute sure what causes it.
The two biggest things I believe are water quality and vitamin deficiency. What are your water parameters and what are you feeding these fish? Also, what is the tank size and complete stocking list of the systems?
Fran, a sidenote for you... if you are keeping that Imperator in a 110 gallon system, he may be a bit crowded. This could be stressing him.


Can u post a picture? My hippo is just a baby, but I have seen older ones, in person and pictures and as they get older I have noticed they do this. Looks like acne scar marks on their face.
But post a picture please.


Active Member
As stated above vitamins are important as well as a varied diet. I try to soak feedings everyother time with zoecon and garlic extreme.


Active Member
Worth mentioning... Hippo tangs often have what look like freckles. This is normal, but loss of color around the eyes and funny looking skin is a red flag.


New Member
if all factors are fixed can the problem go away.
i bought this 110 from a guy that had it set up for years.he changed water more than enough.tank has a carbon filter which stays in 24/7(going to change this habit).He gave them spectrum thera+a by new life- pellets and green marine algae leafs. the lfs told me the emperor should have sponge in their diet.this true? could this also be from age ? I think the emperors change color over their life span.He is 4" or so.Dont know mhow long he has had him in a tank.
If all the suggested problems are fixed will the HLLE go away?


Active Member
HLLE is correctible, but not without some effort. Generally, the longer you let it go, the harder it is for the fish to recover. Once it sets in pretty good, there will be some scarring.
The good thing about HLLE is that it acts slowly, so you have some time. The bad thing is that this means it takes a while to see if you've made any progress.
YES, Pomacanthus Angels REQUIRE sponge. If you do not provide it, they will eventually get sick and die. Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula works well for this and it's dirt cheap. It also has lots of good stuff that the other fish will benefit from.
Hippos and Emperors are both omnivores. The hippo, unlike other tangs, requires some meat in his diet, although the lion's share of his food should be plant matter. Be sure you are occasionally feeding meaty foods, such as Mysis shrimp, chopped Krill, etc.
For both of these fish, you can also throw veggies from the kitchen into the tank for variety, provided the veggies are washed and don't have pesticides all over them. I'll steal hunks of broccoli, cucumber, etc from my fiance before she cooks them, stick them on a seaweed clip and let them graze.
Finally, supplement your food with a vitamin A supplement such as Zoe or Selcon. I use both additives and alternate. Every time though I also pour in some Garlic Guard. Soak your meaty foods as well as your seaweed in these additives prior to feeding.
Check those nitrates. Above 15... do water changes.


Active Member
By they way... I said "pour in" garlic guard... that was a chunk of some text I edited. I put the food into a dish and pour in the additives, mix, then put the food into the tank.


Active Member
It's nothign more than a metal plate placed into the water that allegedly drains away stray electricity.
One of the theories surrounding HLLE is that it is caused by stray electrical currents in the tank. This has not been proven though.
You can get them at just about any online aquaria site or at an LFS, but beware.. using a grounding probe without a GFI is extremely dangerous. Stray electric currents can cause the water of the tank to become "hot" electrically, which can have detrimental effects on your fish.
Grounding probes are peddled as miracle devices that supposedly drain away this current, but in reality, they make the problem worse. When they are handy is when they are used with a GFI to shut the tank down if a stray current condition is detected. In this scenario, if stray currents exist, placing a grounding probe into the tank will make the GFI trip and you'll know right away.
So, if you use a grounding probe, get a GFI for your tank as well.


Active Member
a good diet can reverve the effects of HHLE IME
2 key foods i use regularly is thera+A pellets by spectrum ..after alot of research and comparison of any and all prepared food brands this has been the most nutrient enriched formla ..
also daily dosing of selcon which is a vit suppliment containing
200mg marine lipids(amino acids)
200 mg vit C
200mg vit B12
this can be added directly to the display tank
the pellets should be given 3 times per day