Blue Tang Paralyzed on one side - HELP


New Member
Hi, our blue tang was missing from morning till night - did not come out to eat either - then appeared out of nowhere on the tank bottom, seemingly paralyzed on one side. He's breathing and tries to move with one fin but doesnt get very far. We've isolated him by taking some water from the tank and put him in a glass jar - and put some food so it can it. But it doesnt seem to know how to eat I suppose with being in the state he is in and he's not doing to too well. Can someone help please. What can we do?


Active Member
The fish will surely die if you keep it in a glass jar for long. If you don't have a quarantine tank set up, put the tang back in your main system. Have you checked your water parameters? How long have you had the tang? How large is it? Other tank mates? Please post more info.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by blublu
Hi, our blue tang was missing from morning till night - did not come out to eat either - then appeared out of nowhere on the tank bottom, seemingly paralyzed on one side. He's breathing and tries to move with one fin but doesnt get very far. We've isolated him by taking some water from the tank and put him in a glass jar - and put some food so it can it. But it doesnt seem to know how to eat I suppose with being in the state he is in and he's not doing to too well. Can someone help please. What can we do?

Welcome to the site...sorry it is such sad circumstances.
To me it sounds like either aggression attack or rock slide....I never heard of a disease that paralyzes fish on one side. He sounds injured.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blublu
Hi, our blue tang was missing from morning till night - did not come out to eat either - then appeared out of nowhere on the tank bottom, seemingly paralyzed on one side. He's breathing and tries to move with one fin but doesnt get very far. We've isolated him by taking some water from the tank and put him in a glass jar - and put some food so it can it. But it doesnt seem to know how to eat I suppose with being in the state he is in and he's not doing to too well. Can someone help please. What can we do?
I doubt that the tang is paralyzed, it sounds like typical behavior of a fish that has very little time left; probably due to some type of stress. I hope this isn't the case. I'm guessing that you are very new to the hobby (putting a fish in a jar with food is a dead give away.). I'd suggest that you find a good, basic book on the hobby and read it cover to cover before you invest in any new livestock. Bob Fenner's "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" would be my first choice. I would also research all your new additions before purchase, the local pet store used to be a great source of info, but not any more. This is a wonderful, addicting hobby; but it requires a slow approach and a lot of learning. Good luck!


Active Member
It sounds exactly like a fish that is dying for one reason or another (not paralysis per se but another cause). This is a fish notorious for this.
Can you post more about your tank size, age, specific parameters, etc? How big is this blue tang? How long have you had it? If a small one, it has a dismal survival records.