Blue Tang (Possible Spwaning ???)



Hi Guys
was sat there watching the tank this morning while having breakfast, the clowns coming up to the glass wanting food the buggers.
The I notice the big boy Blue tang, doing a long circles around 1 particular rock, same time i notice what i thought at the time was air bubbles coming from the rocks.
I went up closer to the tank , he was still doing this circle run, it look liek he / she was spraying white stuff out, i thought it might have been a poo or somethign, but it did this about 5 times.
Could it have been spawning, as i have never seen this before


Active Member
It takes two fish to spawn. Most tangs are group spawners and I don't think there has ever been a successful spawning in a home tank. It is possible that the fish did release eggs or sperm; many tang species do swim in big, upward circles while spawning.