blue tang scratching

j carter

A good friend of mine just bought a hippo tang he keeps running his side across the rocks & cactus coarl etc every now and then even in the sand real fast no white spots or signs of ick he just put hime in Friday night It looks like he may be marking his territory eating every thing you put in front of him he is thin trying to fatten him up a little please help on info? thank you.

j carter

He was in a quarantee tank for 3 1/2 weeks before he put him in please do be so negitive some of us are not fish experts were learning that's why we ask for your help.
That's why new people don't like to post on this board because there are a few people that always come back very negitive trying to make people look stupid every body has to start from the front and work there way up..


Staff member
Carter: Sometimes we hear soooooo many horror stories, that we forget about all the mistakes we made when we were newbies.
I know that no mod here wants to scare off anyone.
What type of tank does your friend have? He could perform hyposalinity in the main tank if it is FO.

j carter

The tank is a 100 gal he called me today another fish guy looked at the blue tang he said it does not look like ick I never saw any bright white spots just very light white dots around the black marking hard to explain he was put into the tank friday night in the last day the tang has stopped runing his side across the rocks and sand is there any true way to tell if he has ick or just give it a few more days thanks For your reply...


Ick will just present itself as a white bits (like salt). If your tang has it and now its gone, the ick may have dropped off to complete its lifecycle. If it is ick, it will return in 4-7 days and more numerous. This is a good warning to start a hospital tank. If you don't have one, it is in your fish's best interest to start one up.
Hope this helps.


Staff member
Can you get a good pic up of the fish.....not unusual for ich to appear to "come and go".


I had a PB Tang that got a few specks of ick, then it went away for 6 days and then it came back heavier. At fish I thought "Woo hoo" the ick went away, boy was I wrong.

j carter

water conditons the blue tang is in. He gave me some readings amonia .1 , nitrite no2 0.0 3.3 is .1 , nitrite no3 is 5-6, ph high range 7.9 I will get a picture of the tang and post it the spots look like very light salt he says are on the sides not the fins I'm sure within the next few days we will no 100% what it is.

j carter

we are for sure the tang has ick, spots are worse and they have spread to a angel. We turned the big skimmer off and the ultra violet light off and took out all of the chemipure coal out of the tide pool.
were trying ruby reef I sure hope this stuff works he has live rock and one big coarl it was the only one I could find that is safe we added 8 oz's of rubby reef kick-ich per 100 gal. temp is 80 deg salt is 1.022 we had a small ammonia spike .4 (due to skimmer off?)put some amquel in now its .1, ph is 7.9 I need to get it up what is the best buffer to use & what should the ph be while treating ick.
ruby reef kick-ich next treatment in 2 days 8 more oz I have my fingers crossed It will go away.:mad: