blue tang


I was just wondering if a blue tang is just never fully healthy without geting ich? My friend has a blue tangs and it will not stay healthy. Pick it up about 3-4months ago..when he got it he QT it for about two week if lower salt level. Look fine so put it in main tank, then 2 days later showed signs of ich 5 dots each side..So he put it back in the QT tank, then 2 weeks later if look fine again...So again put it in his main tank and again 2 days later had ich again..So he decieded to try garlic and to see if it would get better in a couple of days...ONCE IT GOT usedto the tank...However got worse it had about 20 dots on each side...So again he put it in the QT tank with copper and it looked better in few days, but let it sit in tank for about 2-3weeks longer...Then put it back in he main tank, once again shows sign of ich 4-6 dots on each side....
IS this just what blue tangs are about?
Is there anything else that could be done to keep healthy?
55gal tank
50 pounds of live rock, 50-60 pounds of live sand
salt level 1.024
All water tested 0
calcium is 370
PH is about 8.2-8.3
He has a UV steralizer in the main tank too


Active Member
A fish with ich should be left in a QT for at least four weeks to make sure the ich is gone. What was the exact salinity of the water at? It should be at 1.009 SG or 12-14ppt to kill the ich. Just because the white spots aren't there doesn't mean the fish is cured. The ich parasite has a free swimming phase and can reattach itself later.


In his QT tank the salt level is 1.009-1.011, Plus has used copper....BLue tang now has been in there for about 5 we will see.


Are there other tangs and/or agressive fish in this tank? If so, the fish could be stressing. When a fish stresses, it's immune system is lowered, and boom...ick sets in. Along W/ hyposalinity and garlic, tell your friend to do a freshwater dip. Get a clean bucket and fill it W/a few gallons of H20, making sure the pH and temperature are the same. Place the fish in there for about one minute. Saltwater parasites cannot survive in freshwater H20 and vice versa. I have used this method on my yellow and naso tangs and it has worked great! Don't be alarmed if the fish lays on the bottom (sideways) They do it each time. Remember same pH, temp, and about 1-2 minutes of dippin' time.


Active Member
The salinity needs to be at 1.009 exactly. What does he use to measure the salinity? If he's using a hydrometer, it's very possible that it's inaccurate (most of them are). The only way to know exactly what the salinity is at is by the use of a refractometer. They are extremely accurate. When it comes to hypo, it is very important that the salinity be at this level. I am not surprised the tang still has ich if the salinity has been above 1.009 during his/her time in the QT.
Also, I would not recommend a freshwater dip UNLESS the fish is so overcome with ich that he/she cannot properly function (i.e. the fish has trouble breathing). Freshwater dips don't cure ich, but they do take care of the spots on the fish.


SAying that the salt level is 1.010 and he used copper it still would not work??
Only has 2 gobies and 2 true perc clowns
1 fire fish
plus 2 starfish
2 shrimps
20 crabs
10 snails


Active Member
1.010 according to what? A plastic hydrometer? I used one in the very beginning, and it told me my SG was at 1.026. When I got my refractometer, it said my SG was at 1.021. This is why refractometers are almost necessary to properly perform hypo.
I don't know about the copper, but if the fish was in the QT for only two-week increments, that would explain its ineffectiveness. The best way is to QT the fish for four weeks with an SG of 1.009.
Also keep in mind that your main tank may have ich in it somewhere. Reintroducing a tang (also known as "ich magnets") to an ich-infested tank would certainly allow him to get it again. A lot of fish can fight off ich, especially if they have a strong immune system. Tangs, however, are not among those fish (especially with just coming out of a QT treated with medication and hyposalinity).