I was just wondering if a blue tang is just never fully healthy without geting ich? My friend has a blue tangs and it will not stay healthy. Pick it up about 3-4months ago..when he got it he QT it for about two week if lower salt level. Look fine so put it in main tank, then 2 days later showed signs of ich 5 dots each side..So he put it back in the QT tank, then 2 weeks later if look fine again...So again put it in his main tank and again 2 days later had ich again..So he decieded to try garlic and to see if it would get better in a couple of days...ONCE IT GOT usedto the tank...However got worse it had about 20 dots on each side...So again he put it in the QT tank with copper and it looked better in few days, but let it sit in tank for about 2-3weeks longer...Then put it back in he main tank, once again shows sign of ich 4-6 dots on each side....
IS this just what blue tangs are about?
Is there anything else that could be done to keep healthy?
55gal tank
50 pounds of live rock, 50-60 pounds of live sand
salt level 1.024
All water tested 0
calcium is 370
PH is about 8.2-8.3
He has a UV steralizer in the main tank too
IS this just what blue tangs are about?
Is there anything else that could be done to keep healthy?
55gal tank
50 pounds of live rock, 50-60 pounds of live sand
salt level 1.024
All water tested 0
calcium is 370
PH is about 8.2-8.3
He has a UV steralizer in the main tank too