BlueFace Angel Clouded eye?



I recently added a Blueface angel to my tank on Marc 7th to be precise. The first few days he never came out from hidding, I caught him a few times trying to find food morsals on the bottom. Anyway the last two days he has really been coming out and is a hearty eater. He goes ballistic when feeding time comes. However yesterday I was finally able to look at him relatively close as he was very shy before. It seems that his right eye is clouded more so than his left eye. However when he moves his "good" eye at a certain angle it looks cloudy too. I don't know if something is wrong with his eye or not because he doesn't stay still long enough for me to observe closely. Also it looks like behind his side fins there seems to be some red streaks like contusions on both sides. I thought at first that because he likes to swim in and out of this very tight rock cluster that he was scraping his side as he went by. His appetitie is very hearty, he swims around alot, not lethargic at all, doesn't go near the top of the tank for oxygen as I have a powerful airstone. I just want to make sure that nothing is wrong. No white spots that I can see on him or any other fish. Everyone in the tank is doing great including appetites. No fighting going on either.
Specs on water
ammonia 0
no2 0
no3 10
salinity 1.024
temp 78
ph 8.2
Diet has been everything from mysis, formula one, brine and garlic soaked flake. I rotate these four. They love all of it and eat quite a bit. Is there anything to worry about and has anyone seen this before? Thanks


Staff member
You should replace any airstones that you are using in your tank with powerheads. Airstones really don't do the trick for water movement.
Do a water change and feed the fish garlic soaked food all the time for at least 30 days. If the fish likes flaked foods, see if you can find some medicated flakes and offer it. Sounds like the beginnings of a bacterial infection which you may be able to address with just what I've suggested here. Otherwise, you will have to QT the fish and treat with antibiotics.


Thanks Beth,
Are you talking about the clouded eye or the red streaks behind his fins, they are around the middle of his body or both things? What type of bacteria infection do you think it is?
Also the airstone is the whole wall air wand type and it releases a ton of bubbles. Also I have a fluval 404 that is very powerful as well but I do have a penguin powerhead that I could hook up as well. I will continue with the garlic soaked food. They all like anything, flakes, mysis, brine, and especially the formula one. Is there anything else I should feed them?
I really want to try and catch whatever it is because I got a 29 gallon tank to set up as a qt tank but it might have a leak and I really would have to scramble to get something set up so I hope that I can fix the problem without having to do that. Thanks


Just hooked up the Penguin, there is strong amount of water movement now with the powerhead and the fluval. But back to the question of what type of bacteria could it possibly be?
Thanks, will also look for medicated flakes,


Staff member
Both the cloudy eye and the red streaks are consisitent with a bacterial problem. And, without a culture there is no way of knowing what type of bacterial infection.
If the situation is not bad, the things I told you to do could resolve the matter, including a water change. However, you may need to treat with antibiotics, in which case, think about getting ready for that. Also, look for Maracyn Two for SW fish just in case you actually need to treat.


Clouded eye gone, thanks beth for the advice. There is another person posting about cloudy eye and should read what I did as it worked for me.
Soaked food in garlic every meal for the past few days.
25 percent water change
Added Aged saltwater (sitting 48 hours to ensure salinity)
Maracyn Two treatment to the whole tank.
His eye is no longer cloudy nor looks like it is going to pop out of his head. He was always very hearty eater and that really helped with the garlic soaking their food. Also I forgot to mention that Beth suggested that my tank needed to add a power head. I added a Penguin 660 as well as using my airation bubble wall that puts out a lot of air. The tank has plenty of airation now.
Thanks for the advice beth