bluejaw trigger not eating


I got him yesterday and he wont eat anything. Do you have anything for me to help him start eating. He just hides all day long. I have tried krill, brine, mysis and squidd. Nothing has got him out of the rocks. Please help.
:help: :help: :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by civickid
I got him yesterday and he wont eat anything. Do you have anything for me to help him start eating. He just hides all day long. I have tried krill, brine, mysis and squidd. Nothing has got him out of the rocks. Please help.
:help: :help: :help:
Sometimes it takes a day or so for fish to strat eating. Triggers in general usally eat soon after least my experirnce. Try soaking the food in garlic.


The poor fish is stressed out. Did you buy him at a specialty store or a chain store. Did they use a net or a species container to take him out of the tank? How long was he in the bag for? Give him a few days and he should perk up.


also before you bought him, did you ask to see him eat, if so, i'm sure he will start eating again it may just take a little time. if you really are worried try feeder guppies triggers cannot resist live food like that.


I bought him from online store. I didnt use a net just a container. I have a 14 day guarantee on him so if he doesnt start eating i will be sending him back.


ok i got him to eat mysis shrimp but the only way he will go after it is if its on a feeding stick because he wont come out of his spot that much. I make him go after it then pull it away so he has to try to get it and he will only come out a little bit. Does anyone have a bluejaw trigger and if so does he hide all the time.


Active Member
Cut him some slack! :D :yes: You get tired after a big trip too. He's got to adapt to a lot (captivity, for one) and has just made a big trip in a bag in a box...and it was probably not the first trip. So give it some time. It won't starve in a few days. The more you hang around the tank and try and feed it, the more timid he may be. You almost have to pretend you aren't looking at the tank, cause otherwise he may just hide.


New Member
hey this is my first post but i had blue jaw trigger female that just died recently and she didnt eat at first and she always stayed in her hole and would only come out when i wasnt aroundand when i came home and saw her out she'd hide back in her rock before i got through the door. She didnt eat at first then me and my figured out she only liked to eat 1. if we turned on the purple part of our light i cant remember the name im drawing a blank lol but also we fed our fish a lil bit twice a day and she would eat at night and not in the morning but she would pick at our live rock all the time. She eventually died to ich a couple of days ago, i hated it we dropped our salinity and we did it over a week or so and gave them freshwater baths and lowered it to 1.016 and it killed, my black sailfin goby, my yellowtang, and my trigger and then my orange shoulder tang!! i was sooooo sad!!! well im getting over it, were letting our tank cool down with just invertebrates and going on vacation then when i get back im getting a red sea sailfin ttang for my 75 and then upgrading to a 180 this summer!!!
good luck with ur trigger if u need anymore help just email me


Hello, I have a blue Jaw female that I bought off the internet. She didn't eat for a few days at first and always hid in the same spot and never came out. Well she got Ich within the first week and I did not quarantine the fish at first. Big Big mistake so It spread to my other fish. I Moved all my LR and inverts into another tank and dropped the salinity and she is now fine. I am now in a slow process of bringing the Salinity back up. I did leave a hiding spot for the trigger because she does like to hide. At first you would never even know that I had that fish....LOL. It has been about a month and a half and she comes out now. But when I walk up to the tank she hides soooooo fast. I did learn that feeding this fish is a pain. She will not come out if I am near the tank and of course you can't feed the fish from across the room. I feed her after its dark out . So I leave the lights on in the tank and off in the room. She must not be able to really see me and comes out and eats after I throw the food in....LOL I just stand really still and make sure she gets enough. But now that the fish is much more comfortable with it's new surroundings and tankmates she is great. They are beautiful fish. As long as I am not standing next to the tank she is out all the time swimming around. They seem to be very shy fish, so pretty soon yours should come out too. It took a couple weeks before this happened. Good luck and congrats on a beautiful fish......Michelle :happyfish