Blueleg hermits and turbo snails?


I've read all over this message board that blueleg hermits kill turbo snails for their shells. So why do reef packages combine these two? Is this really something I should worry about?


Active Member
Supposedly if you keep extra shells for your hermits they won't kill your snails. I have TONS of extra shells and they still kill my snails. When my hermits die I'm not getting anymore, I'm just going to have snails.


For some reason, my bluelegs never bother my snails. The snails seem to be on the glass most of the time and the hermits dont give them a second thought even when they are on the rocks. If fact, i just saw 3 of my bluelegs eating the remains of a silverside my anemone spit out and they took off when a nassarius surfaced and started eating