Bluespot stingray, Tankmates?


In setting up a 700g tank, 10'x4'x30", Im trying to research each animal I decide to keep like most of you should! But cant seem to find alot of info on rays,
Is there any fish I should avoid with this stingray? Im considering:
Crosshatch triggers(pair)
Mappa pufferfish


Puffer fish have a tendancy to nip at stingrays eyes and skin. I'm not to sure about the angel though. What kind of eel where you thinking of? The crosshatch trigger should work, since they're normally 99.9% reef safe.


Active Member
puffers and trigger have a tendecy to nip at the rays eyes and fins. I hope you know that blue spots are pretty hard to care for, if its going to be your 1st ray i would choose a yellow spotted ray or cali ray then move up to the blue spot, thats what i would do. Good luck and have fun! CANT WAIT TO SEE SOME PICS!!! Take your time though no rush at all


If your looking for a good source on stingrays, I suggest the book by Scott Michael "Aquarium Sharks and Rays". Sounds like it's going to be an AWESOME tank!!


Sounds like I need that book,
Ive been in the hobby for over 10 years, Ive had a 180g reef tank for over 6 now and wanted to make the big plung into a monster tank for my new downstairs. The tank will have the best water quality, I have a 48" etss downdraft awaiting 700 gallons of water! I plan on buying live foods for the ray as he will be the first addition to the tank.
Ive read that mappa puffers are very peaceful, Ive wanted one of these guys for years but had the reef... So I might not go for the ray if this is a problem.
Other fish I desire for this tank, pair of crosshatch triggers, vlamingi tang, and a large angelfish.
Im not sure on the Eel, I would like a more docile species, and preferable nothing too large to be a threat to any of these fish. Gymnothorax miliaris? Any suggestions??


IMO I wouldn't go with the triggers, puffer or angel with a stingray. All of these fish are unpredictable and even one nip from any of them can cause damage/infections to the stingray. The tang and eel should be okay.


thank you jcrim,
thats 2 strikes against the ray. even in a tank that size the ray would get nipped? regardless im a responsible hobbyist and I dont want anything dying out of experimentation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by csupdog
thank you jcrim,
thats 2 strikes against the ray. even in a tank that size the ray would get nipped? regardless im a responsible hobbyist and I dont want anything dying out of experimentation.
you want to add peaceful tank mates but top tank dwellers.rays mostly eat what ever is on the bottom of the tank so if you have a lazy bottom dweller chances are its gonna be lunch.wrasses and triggers are def out of the picture they are too active and highly agressive.larger peaceful fish still add with caution.remember rays are preditors.


A tank that size is nice because there are very few limitations as far as typical livestock. If you're interested in the puffer, triggers and angel... load that sucker up with those along with eels, groupers and other aggressives.
Another way you could go would be a combination of rays, eels and bottom dwelling sharks with some more peaceful fish like tangs. Personally, I'd prefer this type of set up but the drawback is that you have to be careful about the fish that could go in the tank.
I'd go with a livestock list like the following:
1 Port Jackson or horn shark
1 Epaullette or bamboo shark
1 or 2 stingrays... you could try a blue spot but other varieties are much hardier
1 large eel (green or tesselata)
5 to 10 various tangs
harlequin tusk
volitan lionfish
large damsel
some grouper
What a tank that would be!!