Bluethroat Trigger info needed



anyone have these?
Im looking to get two, a male and a female....
id like to get any advice i can on behavior, feeding, tankmate compadability, etc.
How do they act towards each other? Any possibility of them "spawning"?
ty for any advice youve got


Originally Posted by Jesses89
anyone have these?
I'm looking to get two, a male and a female....
id like to get any advice i can on behavior, feeding, tankmate compatibility, etc.
How do they act towards each other? Any possibility of them "spawning"?
ty for any advice you've got
I have a female and she get along great with all of my fish, I think they are one of the nicest triggers out there, I will be getting a male sooner or later. Mines eat just about everything I put in the tank, like mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, seaweed, new life spectrum pellets.


My best advice would be to not keep them with lion fish or slower moving fish, especially smaller ones, as like all triggers they may pick at them. They can be somewhat aggressive or territorial but are much less aggressive than most triggers. They may be slow to adapt to captivity but usually come around. I feed my triggers a variety of frozen foods such as chopped up clam, scallops, shrimp, and silver sides sea algae, and spectrum pellets.
The behavior of my pair of crosshatches should be very similar to a pair of bluethroat triggers. They will hang out in the same spot together and swim circles around each other (very cool to watch) and sometimes the male will show the female who's boss by "snapping" his teeth. And as far as I know, spawning is extremely rare, if even ever accomplished, in captivity.


Are bluethroat triggers shy? My LFS has a couple and every time someone walks by the tank, they hide. I've had a number of triggers (humu, niger, sargassum) and I've never seen them do that, ever. So are bluethroats particularly shy or something?


Active Member
The blue jaws are a little harder to acclimate than other triggers. In my experience they are very peaceful. I have kept them with lions in the past, and never had an issue, this is the only trigger I would consider with a lion, and only in a large tank. I also find this trigger to be a slower grower than other species.
A male and female would get along fine, I have a friend who kept 2 males together with success. I would not count on them spawning though.


Thanks for the info all....
These are going to go in a 250-300 gallon tank.
Which tangs or angels would go best with these two?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
Thanks for the info all....
These are going to go in a 250-300 gallon tank.
Which tangs or angels would go best with these two?
Just about any tang or large angel should be fine. Depending on you're future plans,many dwarf angels should do well also.I know that isn't very specific; but you have a lot of choices. I don't know of any tang or angel (except a tiny cherub, etc) that wouldn't be OK with a BT trigger in a tank that big. I also agree with Hammerhed7; this is one of the few triggers I'd trust with a lion; not 100%, though---they're still triggers. Great fish, IMO.
BTW, I don't think any trigger has been successfully spawned in captivity. That's true of probably 95%+ of the fish we keep.

small triggers

Active Member
you could also think about small or medium sized wrasses to go to. that is an awfully large tank(wish i had it) so you have alot of room until your fish get large in a few years.


Active Member
A note on keeping these with lions, I would add the lion first, and let him put on some size (which does not take long) then add the trigger last. I currently keep a 6" male with my 2 volitans, and the trigger pays no attention to them at all. The lions are 10" and 12".
These triggers would be compatible with any tang or large angel, however I would not trust a large angel with a lion. Lions are great fish with alot of personality. The down side to the lions is that you really have to watch what you keep with them, anything too small and it's lunch, and anything too curious or aggressive will harass the lion. (Which rules out triggers, angels, and puffers).
If it helps, here is my stock list for my 220.
Volitan Lion x2
Scorpionfish x2
Harlequin Tusk
Tomato clown
Yellow Tang
Male Blue Jaw