Blus Jaw - Lion fight?


My blue jaw has been acting very crazy the last 2 days. He swims very quickly and tries to jump out of the tank, lifting the canopy with him! He has knocked over 20lb live rocks and all the powerheads. My LFS says he could have got stung from the Vlion or Foxface and he his slowly dieing. any ideas?


try turning off the lights for a while, as long as possible, hopefully this will calm him down and hopefully he didnt get tagged by the lion, my lion tagged my clown trigger and he died within 12 hrs or so, it wasnt pretty either !!
good luck !!!!


actually night is when he does it the worst. I noticed his eyes are a little cloudy and a loss of appetite. I didnt have a hospital tank set up yet so i had to put him in a 16g tupperwear container. I wanted to seperate him incase of popeye. I dont know what to do. something is very wrong. If he is dieing can i move it along quicker to give him less stress?:nervous: