boght a red mushroom coral but what does it eat?


Active Member
I just boght a red mushroom polyp for $3.00 at my lfs. It has 2 poylps that are only 1 and half inch. I have some quastions for all you,
1. What do they eat?
2. How fast do they grow.
3. How big can they get.


Active Member
most are fine by just geting stuff out the water.It depends on your lights,flow,and peramiter how they grow.But they grow pretty fast if everything is rite.I have not had red one but I have had blue,purple,and 2 kinds of stripes and they grow alot.


Originally Posted by Blackjacktang
I have low to modarite lighting
My lfs said it eill be okay in that typ of lighting.
You gotta be careful with what the fish stores tell you. Remember, they're trying to make sales as their first priority. I've had lfs's lie to me before to get me to buy stuff that either died or I didn't need. What kinda lights do you have and how big is your tank?
BTW, $3.00 for red mushrooms! Good score


Active Member
Medium Light - Medium Flow is what is recomender for them.Mine are under 250 MH and has lots of flow in my tank and they thrive in it.


Active Member
start them low and slowly move them into more light until you find out what they like, some will take more light than others, some will spreed fast under lower light but stay small. they are one of the corals that can take a range of light but might prefer and grow better in the light ur pieces like not what we (others on the forum) say they should like