Bonding glass to epoxy painted wood


Okay, I know the obvious answer is silicone. My question is, how much? Do you "float" it with a notched trowel like you would morter under tile? I'm thinking like, 1/4" beads, 1/2" apart, too little? Is it possible to use too much silicone? I know these are rather mundane questions compared to some but my significant other would much rather that I look "dumb" to you guys, then to look "dumb" to the carpet cleaners when the seal breaks. Come to think of it, I guess I agree with her there :eek:
Thanks and look for many more questions later,


Call me crazy but I think this depends on the type of joint you are doing. If it is a butt joint silicone is the best way to go. If you are covering porthole type things with glass you may consider using something different for the strength part on the ******** and then seal it with silicone around the edges. Go to a good hardware store and ask for something watertight strong and will bond to wood and glass....They may give you silicone or they may give you something like liquid nails. Whatever the product does not have to be aquarium safe cause your water will never touch it if you seal the edges with aquarium silicone.


IBrew, thanks for your input. I'm talking about a "portal." Interesting point you make though, I've always read that I need to use silicone, maybe others can give me some alternatives.
Later, Paul


I don't know a whole lot but I do know that there are stronger bonding agents than silicon. we use silicon because it doesn't leech into the water and stays flexable. There has to be something that is stronger but not so fish friendly.


i was going to put down a bead of silicone first and let it dry to keep the glass up a 1/4" and then use a lot of silicone to seal it.
that's all i have herd of any one useing on ther plywood tanks


it's not to keep it off it's just so the glass won't push all the silicone out when you set it in the bead of silicone