Bonnethead Shark


How big are these sharks when they are babies? Also, what is the minimum tank size (for a baby, for we have plans on getting a huge pond, for this sucker when it grows up. Are they hardy, and lastly what would be the price range for a baby. Thanks!


Bonnetheads are the smallest hammerhead species at around 4-5' for an adult. i am guess a small one would be around 18" They need around style tank and it must be big even when they are a baby. I think around 1000 gallons for a baby. Risc can give you more info on them. I have seen them for around $300 for sale once.


Thanks. What about reef sharks. Can someoe respond to the same qs i asked about bonnetheads, but for reef sharks?


From what I've read reef sharks are very hardy but a baby needs at least a 1000g. Adults need about a 3,500g I think. I've seen babies for about $500.


Bonnetheads are about 14 to 15" when they are born. They don't live long so they reach sexual maturity at 2 years of age... and will generally be full grown within 4 years. They only grow to 4 or 5 feet but they need a 3,000 gallon tank to thrive. Something like 10x10x4 would work well. They are extremely temperamental and need expert care. These sharks shouldn't be owned by average hobbiests.
There are many types of reef sharks. Some aren't available to the aquarium trade because of their nature. Generally the only ones you see are Black Tips and White Tips. Both have pretty similar lifestyles so they same tank conditions work for both. The only difference is that White Tips get much larger and require a much larger tank. You can put black tips in a 6,000 gallon round tank or a 3,500 gallon sqaure/rectangle tank. Whitetips will need at least a 10,000 gallon round or a 4,000 gallon square/rectangle.
Bonnetheads are going to cost you around $600 and Black tips $500 White Tips $700. If your licensed you can get them all for around $230.


Thanks risc for another great answer. I guess those sharks are out. What about grey smooth hounds. They only get 48 in. I heard they are for colde systems. But my lfs last year, ahd successfully transfered leopards to warm water systems. Can that be the same for smoothhounds? Thanks again ;)