

Has anyone here ever known of someone keeping one of these. I saw a few for $300 the other day. They were about 6". The coolest looking shark. A baby hammerhead..
Here is what I know, we catch them all the time here on hook and line. They are very violent and not very docile. My friend is a marine biologist at the local aquarium and not too long ago I asked her why they didnt have species like the bonnethead and hammerhead. She said because they are not a tank friendly species and they want their sharks to be somewhat passive which is why they only have nurse sharks(and big ones at that).


Hmmmm.....The only sharks in the tank here at my local aquarium are Bonnetheads. Said to be one of the nicer sharks that don't get too large. I talked to the person who runs the exhibit and he told me that.


6" sounds really small, even for a new born Bonnet head. Are you sure about that?
On the flip side, $300 sounds really good for a bonnet head. Have any pics you'd like to share? How about contact info?
Much appreciated:D


Yeah, they were BonnetHeads. They were around 6". I was told that they will start selling them when they get a little bigger. Around 10". They were eating though. She told me that they sell atleast 120 of them every year. As for being in captivity, i'm not sure. I know they are in the local aquarium here. I thought they were Hammerheads, but was told otherwise. The fish was $300 and the box charge to ship was $50 so it would end up being around $400 after taxes and shipping.
They also get very big, we have caught them at 5 feet before and i believe they get bigger than that. Any normal sized home (<300 )aquarium will not be enough room.


$300's really cheap for these sharks. I've only seen one around here and it was about $900. But the bad part is, as cool looking as they are, they're in the same catagory as things like black/white tips, leopards, and nurses. I wouldnt do a even a juvenile in anything less than novices tank. Btw novice I'd like to see some updated pics as well if oyu've got any.


Will try to take some updated pics tonight:)
My tank is minus one shark (leopard) since an accident involving a piece of food, a fight, and a pump intake.:( So, I'm looking into getting another shark. A bonnet head sounds like a pretty cool shark to me. :D
I'd love to get one of these sharks (if saltfisher hooks me up with the info) but I have a few concerns.
You say they are only six inches long. If that's the case, then I'm worried.
According to Scott Michael, they are born at around 14.5". Very similar to the length at birth of a black tip, which ranges from 12"-20". It makes me wonder if:
A- they are actually not bonnet heads.
B- They were collected in, shall we say a less than respectable manner.
C- They appear smaller than they really are.
Of course there is "D", in which case Scott Michael is wrong, but I personally doubt that.
If we could rule out A, B, and C, I'd really like to purchase one of these sharks. It may be too much to ask, but would you consider taking some pics for me? Also, like I mentioned earlier, I'd really appreciate their contact info.:)


I'd also be worried if they're really only 6". Thats way smaller than normal which makes me wonder if they were cut out of the mothers bellies like 5"-6" leopards available often are.
And novice, sucks about your leopard. I have a little bad news as well. My f*cking whitespotted bamboo killed the blue spotted ray.



Originally posted by JIM27
I'd also be worried if they're really only 6". Thats way smaller than normal which makes me wonder if they were cut out of the mothers bellies like 5"-6" leopards available often are.

Jim27: That was the situation "B" I was referring to.
Sorry to hear about your blue spot. Suprised to hear a bamboo caused it though????
On a higher note, a few weeks after you posted your new ray, I decided to give it a try. Thanks to you, I had the courage to give it a go. The ray has resided at my parents house in their tank for well over a month (maybe over two, don't remember) now. It eats like a pig and is doing very well.
Will try to post pics tomorrow.:)


Novice, i'll try and see if I can get some pics. Believe me, they are Bonnetheads and they are the size I said. I'm not considering one at all because I've seen a full grown one at my local aquarium and I dont have a home for that big of a shark. Sorry to hear about you leopard. Jim, too bad about your ray. Novice, could you introduce a shark that small to your tank with that big ass Blacktip?
Novice, you've got mail!!!



Originally posted by NOVICE150
Jim27: That was the situation "B" I was referring to.
Sorry to hear about your blue spot. Suprised to hear a bamboo caused it though????
On a higher note, a few weeks after you posted your new ray, I decided to give it a try. Thanks to you, I had the courage to give it a go. The ray has resided at my parents house in their tank for well over a month (maybe over two, don't remember) now. It eats like a pig and is doing very well.
Will try to post pics tomorrow.:)

I'm positive it was the bamboo as he has bitten the ray once during feeding time before. Well I woke up and the ray was laying upside down with some chewed up bite marks on its disc and a small peice of the tail falling off which makes me think the bamboo grabbed on and didnt let go for a while(I'm guessing because the rays soft body feels similar to food)That thing can be vicious at feeding time. He's nothing like my old brownbanded bamboo or my horn. Oh no. He's one mean SOB when he wants to eat. When I woke up the other day I wanted to grab that bamboo and throw it out the window. The ray was doing so well, eating wonderfully and everything. There's no doubt in my mind that if The bamboo wasnt in the picture the ray would still be here.
Anyway, good luck with yours and I'm waiting for the pics :D