Boo Trouble


I have a baby bamboo shark and he is hiding behind a piece of lr? he is breathing and was swimming. Is this normal?


Active Member
he is breathing and was swimming
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most fish do this? You need to do some research before you go out and buy things. Your shark will get picked and possibly be killed by your trigger and damsels. Your tank also isn't big enough for a bamboo. Please take him back to the lfs. Bo


Well in terms of tank size you and my lfs guy disagree. He told me that a bamboo would be fine and i could get a ray too.

mr hanky

you need at least a 180 gal. you gatta keep in mind when this fish gets to 3 ft in length hes gonna have a hard time turning and moving freely in the 125. trigger bad idea!!!!!!!!!! put him in another tank if your going to keep the shark! still you need a bigger tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hth


well he is 4 inches long and the trigger is about 2 right now so I have a great deal of time before i have an 11 inch trigger and a 3 foot shark on my hands.


In response to the original question, yes that is normal for a newborn bamboo. IME as they age they get a little more active, mine tend to lay in a certain spot for a few minutes and then swim slowly around the bottom of tank and settle in a new spot for a while. They rarely hide in the little cave I made them out of lr anymore, instead they lay out in the open on the sand. They get really active when they're hungry too.
Also keep an eye on the sharks tank mates.


whatever your lfs guy says, take it with a grain of salt...
almost everyone disagrees on your current set ups...
a 120 gallon "shark tank..." see above
no matter how tiny, a ten gallon is NOT suitable for any sort of tang... at my lfs we just got in some 3/4" yellows, and theyre in a 75 gallon and they swim all day along the front of the glass...
same with your "10 gallon eel tank." not possible.
listen to the good folks on these bb's
Drew :)


Well the tang is only in the 10 gallon cause I am working on getting rid of him because my lfs guy told me that 2 yellow tangs would be fine in the same tank, and regarding the eel tank, it has been set up for about 8 months and everything is fine. I do weekly water changes in all my tanks and that keeps the waste down. I have only had 3 fish die on me since I have started this hobby almost a year ago, I am by no means calling myself an expert because im not but I know what I am doing. All I did was ask for advise on my shark so please, keep on the subject.