Books on building sumps/refugiums


New Member
Hey guys,
I am thinking of adding a sump or a refugium. I have seen several posts on building these but I am wondering if anyone knows of some books that has more info about building these. Maybe even a book that has several DIY's for saltwater fish tanks? Anyone?:D


dont know about books but broomer5 has a complete description on how to build one. its either on here if you search or i think someone posted it on their website. it might have been melbournefl not exactly sure though.
try to contact either one of them and they should be able to help you out, i respect both their opinions highly.


You don't need a book. You can find everything you need by searching this site and others like it. the best thing to do is go to a store and look at some to see how they are built and tehn duplicate it. You can also look at a lot of online vendors and see what their designs are. I really don't think you will get anything from a book that you can't already get here.