

New Member
I've seen several people mention the book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" and was wondering how detailed this book is. Does it explain enough for a newbie to be able to set up a tank with a refugium and get everything started? Ever since I bought a book the lfs recomended and saw how horrible the advice in there was I've been kind of skeptical about books. That book actually said that you should take your live rock when it comes in and soak it in fresh water for 24 hours then let it air dry and if it still smelled like chlorine repeat this until the chlorine smell was gone. It also talked in depth about under gravel filters and their benefits and never once mentioned sumps or refugiums. Luckily, even though I'm a complete beginner in this, I knew enough to throw that book out immediately.


Active Member
I recently finished that book. It took me a little over a week and a half. I read it cover to cover and couldn't put it down. You will learn a lot and it will raise a lot of questions to help you in your research to determine what route you'd like to go.


Active Member
Honestly, the conscientous marine aquariast is an invaluable tool for the newb. It covers everything from tank selection, filtration, aquascaping, water chemistry and touches on fish selection as well. I give it 2 thumbs up!


That book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" is probably one of the most comprehensive books that I've read. One thing I've learned over the years is you need to watch the published date on the books. Alot has changed in this hobby over the years. When I first started with SW 30 plus years ago, the undergravel filter was the best way to go and protein skimmers was unheard of. Not so now... Also one of the best places to ask questions and get answers is this forum.
I just bought this book based on the recommendations of this group. I love the book. it was printed in 2001 i believe. So far the information in the book is not out of date and from what i have gathered by reading posts on this group, the info in the book is pretty accurate. I havent finished it yet, but I have already learned a lot. Another nice thing is the book has a section that covers livestock for your tank. It has really detailed descriptions of lots of popular fish and recommedations on stocking and what to keep with what. This book made a suggestion that I plan on following when I change my FW tank over to a salt. It said for a beginner to start off with a fish only tank. that way you dont spend a lot more money, and you are able to learn the maint requirements and stuff like that, then progress towards a reef if thats your goal. I like it a lot. I would highly recommend this book to anyone thinking of doing a sw tank, and read it cover to cover before you buy any equiptment.


Active Member
I bought a new book that's just as good but not too much technical as Conscientious Marine Aquarists. The book has just came out and titled : Saltwater Aquarium Models by John H. Tullock. I got mine at Barnes & Nobles for $20.
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