

Not I, really doesn't look all that amusing to me. A funny accent guy doing goofy things and making people uncomfortable? I see some humor, but not enough to spend 8 bucks on.


yep... it looks amazing!!! i must read reviews first, cause the last few times we saw a movie that looked good without reading reviews first, it turned out to really suck......


Active Member
the reviews are rather good, if it's anything like the TV show it will be a riot! I love how people buy into his character and they think he's genuine.


lmao, it's kinda hard to believe it's genuine... especially since he was in talladega nights... :notsure:


Active Member
The review I read bashed it. Basically said "it's an SNL skit that runs too long" and that you can get just as much laughing out of the way by watching Utube clips.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The review I read bashed it. Basically said "it's an SNL skit that runs too long" and that you can get just as much laughing out of the way by watching Utube clips.
well a night at the roxburry is one of the funniest movies on earth and thats one long SNL skit soooo im excited for the movie!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
True... the masses are igornant sheep...

would ya all go see "the church lady" in a full length movie too???
Borat has some good one liners, but its just as redundant as Da Ali G... or Waynes World even...


Active Member
Ill see it. It got a decent write up. But what id like to know is where your going to a movie and paying 8 bucks.
Around here a matinee is $7 and a regular showing is $10.


woah! matinee here is like 6.75 and regular is 8.25...
and this has got to be one of THE funniest movies i've ever seen!!! unless, of course, you're a woman, black, jewish, mentally retarded, and/or gay if you're all of the above, DO NOT go see it!!! ... but OMG, it was HILARIOUS!!! and so worth every penny!!!


Cant wait to see this movie.But just as everything else the media(and the mindless masses)gets their grubby paws on,this character is going to so played out,and the"dead horse"is going to get beat to a bloody pulp.You know how every moron was walking around saying"I'm Rick James"or the worst of them all"waaaaahhhhhssssuuup!" They should be beaten to a bloody pulp