boring burrfish?

salt nate

I have a cool little bridled burrfish. But he seems to always hang out in the upper corner of the tank, hardly swimming, and doesnt do anything. I got him cause I thought puffers had cool personalities. Are they usually like this?

small triggers

Active Member
puffers arent the biggest swimmers. is there maybe too much flow in your tank and thats the only calm area? plus you need to give him time to settle in


My little dogface puffer is really active. Never stands still, swims around all day and puffs up in the sand looking for food. Really cool fish to watch and is not scared of anyone getting close to the tank, even when I put my hand in.


Here he is doing what he does best, blow in the sand. And the queen looking at him like, "What the heck is he doing?"


salt nate

cool puff! see thats what I want. My burrfish just started eating really voraciously and I am stoked about that, but yeah he doesnt really swim much. I ve had him for about 3 weeks.


Active Member
Puffers take about 2 to 3 months to gain their real personality. All puffers I have had experience with have been this way. Nothing to be concerned about.


our mappa took a while to adjust now hes a ham and will come to the front to say hello when you sit right in front of the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
My little dogface puffer is really active. Never stands still, swims around all day and puffs up in the sand looking for food. Really cool fish to watch and is not scared of anyone getting close to the tank, even when I put my hand in.
just giving you warning puffers only puff up when stressed or scared.. this is a natural defense mechanism ..
regular puffing is a sign of either factor and can be lethal to him..
a calm puffer will not puff up.. this is not a good sign of health and happyness


When I said he puffs up in the sand, I meant that he like to blow in the sand to look for food. He's only actually "really" puffed up twice since I got him and both times was because another fish tried to nip at him. One time the queen angel, the other time the lawnmower blenny.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Puffers take about 2 to 3 months to gain their real personality. All puffers I have had experience with have been this way. Nothing to be concerned about.
Agreed, it took my Burrfish about that long, but he's still not what I'd say is 'active.' The other thing to consider is his size. Your Burrfish 1.5" (I think, correct?), he's still got a lot of growing to do, before he becomes his true self.

salt nate

THANKS GUYS, i will certainly give him a chance. He is tiny (I was told the bridled burrfish was pretty rare and even more so because of his small size.) It makes me feel much better that it takes a while for his true colors to come out! and...he loves to eat lately, which makes me feel really good!