Boston bean cowfish boxfish


Active Member
what do we know about these fish...from what I'm finding they grow to about 6" difficult care level...what about crabs and snails

Would this be a fish I could consider? My LFS has one and he's pretty darn cute lol...I love cowfish boxfish but almost all grow to well over a foot this is supposedly the smallest of the species...

Anyways if anyone could fill me in ASAP as I will be leaving the town where this fish is in about an hour thanks guys!

For those that don't know I have a 93 gal cube with all peaceful fish and not really a reef tank at all


Well-Known Member
My concern would be the toxin they have that can be an issue if they are stressed or die. I don't think they handle a lot of current either but not sure about that.


Active Member
Thanks I suppose I'll probably pass for now...not a good idea to impulse buy fish day maybe because I just love those little jetsons fish lol