Bottled Pods


search google for tigger pods. They may be too big for the mandarin (not quite sure), but a lot of sites that sell them also sell smaller pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Does anyone know where I can get bottled Pods? My mandarin sure would like to know.
Check the big auction site and search "copepods" there are a few companes to choose from!


Active Member
IMO Tigger Pods are excellent to feed your Mandarin Dragonet everyone that i have talked to that has used them says that thats what they will be feeding thier mandarin dragonet the rest of its life becuase they all eat it im not sure about real little ones but i know that there was a 1 1/2 inch one that would eat them thats the smallest that i have ever seen or have heard about someone having that tryed tigger pods but every one that i know of their Mandarin eats them all the time. That's what im going to feed them when i get one!(in about a year or so) but right now i am going to try to dump a bottle of it in my tank once i get food for my feather duster and i am going to try to get it where i have a huge population of them before i get my Mandarin One of the petstores i go to had a huge population in one of there tanks it was sooo cool!
Hope i helped!


If thats true, I may consider getting a mandarin. I wasn't sure if the pods you can purchase would suffice. Anyone else have opinions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gexkko
If thats true, I may consider getting a mandarin. I wasn't sure if the pods you can purchase would suffice. Anyone else have opinions?

You will have to buy pods constantly, and they can be expensive.


stupid amazingly beautiful fish that I just can't keep...they just taunt me at the lfs with all their brilliant colors...


Active Member
how much live rock do you have? Because the mandarin probably wont be able to get all of them if you put in a bottle thats $20.00 Thats what everyone i know does they just put the bottle right into the display tank(except for a few which put them in their refugium thing.) if you have a refugium i wouldn't see why you would have to buy them constantly. you might have to buy them every now and then. If you do that (If you have a refugium) i would make sure you look closly in there ATLEAST every month and just make sure you have a big supply on them.

reef diver

Active Member
Many mandarins It appears eat mysis, as long as it is moving slightly, so take that into consideration. Mine loves mysis, and just create a refuge, and dump 3 bottles in. I didnot do that, but it would work.


I wanted a mandarin so badly for so long... I tried a few times with no success and had literally given up.... Then I set up my 30 gal. tank and had nothing in it for months... I started noticing it was full of cope pods and bristle worms...just swarming with them.. so I thought I'd give it one last chance with a mandarin.... I put him in there alone... 2 weeks later added a cleaner shrimp and a few hermit crabs... I was adding a bottle of cope pods once a month and every once in a while I would drop in a few pieces of frozen mysis shrimp for the cleaner and the crabs.. and low and behold I saw my mandarin eat a few pieces of the frozen shrimp one day.. Then I started adding it daily.. and he kept on eating... one day I dropped a few pieces of flake food in there... guess what?? HE ATE IT!!!
Now he eats what ever I feed him... he's 6 months old... he's still the only fish in there because he eats so slowly and methodically that I know he'd stop if there was another fish to compete for food... I'm thinking I may add a couple of sea horses at some point since they're also best suited to an isolated peaceful tank and wouldn't compete with the mandarin for food... I'd have to add the feeder shrimp daily... but with the luck I've had with the mandarin who knows.. they might end up eating frozen food too.....
funny how you just never know.... I've never heard of a mandarin eating flake food... but mine does!