Bottom of tank


New Member
I Have a 46 gallon bow tank, with CC on the bottom, and I like to switch to LS and shells, can you mix different types of gravel to a tank, and if so, what is the easys way to get the CC out of the tank, and should it be taken out fast, or over time.


i think the best way is fast, move all the rocks to one side the scoop out the cc with a cup. once its all out then cup the sand and bring the cup to the bottom of the tank then pour it out (so it doesnt fall to far). then once u have the sand in move the rocks to the sand side and do the same to the other half of tank. its ok if u dont get every littlebit of cc but most of it. what kind of shells? broken ones? u can mix if u want. but just plain sand will work best. so u dont get air pockets.


I removed crushed coral from my tank and replaced it with live sand. I removed my fish and drained my tank into three 25 gallon plastic storage bins on the floor. I then removed my under gravel filters and crushed coral. I put the live sand in and put the water back in the tank. The under water dust storm was lasted about 2 days before it fully cleared up. It was nice outside Sunday so I spread my crushed coral across my driveway where it meets the street. I guess I'm the only person in northern Illions with Crushed coral fill at the bottom of my drive way. The crushed coral also makes nice speedy dry for oil spills. IMO I would do it all at once so to limit the stress on the fish.