bought a porc puffer today


Was really torn between getting the porcupine pufferfish and the dog faced puffer fish (at *****) they've had the dog face for the longest time and hes gotten very big its just that ive heard that they are not good tank mates with a lionfish and would bite his fins so I went with a very little porc puffer (about 3") who is just the cutest thing ever. He has great colors and a big smile and is accepting frozen brine shrimp very willingly (when he beats the damsels and tang to it)
I'm very happy with this edition he's so very cute and not shy at all, the only problem is that he has taken a liking to a low spot in the live rock where the yellow damsel used to reside but the yellow damsel is a bully so its not too bad of an arrangement.
My next move will be to relocate the damsels (a lfs near me will likely take them in) and after that the great lionfish hunt begins :D


Actually, the porcupines and the dogfaced puffers are very similar in habits, but as always, it depends very greatly on the temprament of the particular fish you happen to end up with.
We have a porcupine relative, a bridled burrfish, in our 300 with 4 volitans, and a dogface in our 125 gal scopionfish/juv. lionfish tank and have never had a problem between either with the lionfish or the more sedentary scorpionfish.
Most triggers aren't recommended with lions/scorps for the reason you listed, while surprisingly, the worst offenders among the more common puffers are the small sharpnosed puffers and tobies.
Any of the puffer/trigger/boxfish/filefish clans have the dentition to wreak havoc on ambush predator's fins, but most of the larger dogfaces show no tendency to bother them at all.
As always, how well the puffer is fed will have great bearing on the matter.
Keep an eye on your porcupine.......porkies and burrs, like many tangs, have a weakness where ick is concerned, and in my experience will break down if the nitrATES remain elevated, in spite of what the books say.


Active Member
ur little porcy will also enjoy a game at nipping at the lionfish' fins. However I do acnoledge u on the beauty of these guys. As for the damsels, how big are they? Although it may not look like it, but there's a high possibility that the porcy will tkae it for a midnight snack. There mouths are bigger than they look. So if you are going to find a home, I would do it ASAP, otherwise you may be missing a few.


As long as you keep your pork fed I doubt he'll eat your Damsels. You'd be amazed how many fish you'd think would eat damsels but won't if they are in the tank before the predator. I have a lion w/ a dogface and he doesn't bite his fins. But there is definately a possibility. I would poll the board to get a better picture. Appreciate when you pork is small, because he'll grow quite quick. :D
I have had damsels in with my porky puffer for almost a year and she has not got after them yet. But it could be the temperment like you have said. They are the greatest fish I hope you are very happy with yours.
Good Luck
Sarah :)