Bought a used tank with Lights.. Help.


OK I need some help.
I bought a used 150 gal tank to upgrade from my 72 bow. The 150 is 6 foot long and came with sump, skimmer, powerheads, etc and a hood with lights.
I have no idea about these lights and need some feedback.
There are 4 bulbs 60 inches each.
Aquasun Ultraviolet Resources International
2 x 6 VHO-1
2 x Super Actinic VHO-1
Are these any good? What can be kept using them?
Thank you.


Active Member
VHO is a decent technology... a bit dated... most folks use Metal Halide or T5 these days.
You've got 160w lamps, so you have a total of 640w of light. With that, you can keep most things. You didn't say if you were planning a reef, but if you are, I'd say you can keep everything except perhaps clams, anemones, or SPS. I say "perhaps" because it may be marginal.
All soft corals, LPS, zoos, mushrooms, all should do great.


WOW great news. thanks. I think i can get a MH retro under the hood as well if I want later so that might help. Again thanks.


Active Member
If you added a halide retro with say (3) 150W halides, then ran the system you had in addition...
You'd be able to keep anything you can get your hands on.


Found a retro for it that states the following:
3 X 250 Metal Halide Retro w/ Bulbs
3- 15k German Quality Bulbs
Mogul base Metal halide system (

in style bulbs)
3 German Polished Reflectors
7'' wide and 12'' long 4.5'' tall
External ballast box
Is this what I should be getting? Is that correct, 1 Ballast runs the 3 lights?