bought my first coral and.........


I am having a little problem. The guy at the lfs said it is one of the easier corals to maintain. Sorry not sure of the name of it (picked it out cause it looked good) but it looked like a coral with green grassy hands that sway around in the current. someone with lots of experience in corals maybe able to turn that discription into something but anyway back to my problem.
After slowly acclimating the coral to the tank it took it about 1 full day to open up. It stayed open for one day and the next night I noticed it closed up again. Since last night the coral has not opened up again. I don't think this is normally but I am a real newbie with corals and I am kind of afraid of killing it. I hate to kill living things specially expensive living things.
I will supply you with all other information required all my water test do check out the only problem is I overdid it with the kalwasser and my calcium shot up to 550 but everything else is right where it needs to be. I did not overdue it with kalwasser all at once it was as always added in slowly just added to much prior to buying the coral


Green star polyps? They will close up for a few days every now and then for no apparent reason. Calcium at 550 shouldn't be a problem unless your kH is out of whack too.


Active Member
Post a pic OR describe iy better than wavy hands. I.E. is it on a stalk, a leather, does it grow by sending out runners, how tall, is any of it hard, ....ect....

the claw

Active Member
Are we talking Xenia here. It probably was a goniophora compliments of the LFS. We need a description...............

nm reef

Active Member
I don't intend to flame or be negative in any way...but you really should have a general idea of exactly what you are adding prior to purchasing it.
I'd also suggest a bit more research before you attempt any coral...just so folks will know its probably a good idea to first have a general ID on a specific coral then find as much information as possible on that coral "before" making a purchase/adding it...personally I believe it just makes sense to be prepared rather than looking for help after the fact.
Is there any way you could better describe your addition? From the information provided your new coral could be any of a large number of possibilites! Maybe look at a few sites that have assorted coral pics and find something that looks like what you have.
Folks here would like to help you out with your question but I think we need a bit more info to go on...:cool:
Click the image for access to my website...


Ok found out what it is it is a green star polyps. Now the only problem is that they are not all out most of them are retracted. I did a search on this site about green star polyps and someone said that it is somewhat normal for them to retract from time to time. my question to you is "is it somewhat normal for a healthy star polyp to retract from time to time?" or is that the behavior of one that is not healthy for some reason


New Member
give it time, in a week it should be back out.
i want to say (or at least BME) normal.
also it may be your lighting?


is that possible to give it a week. I am afraid it may die in a week. Are green star polyps known for doing this. I read in the search I did the one guy said they are never open when you want them to be but is it possible they can shutdown so often and live. Don't they need the light for energy for photosynthesis and can it absorb light while it is retracted. Sorry lots of questions still very new with corals.. After how long should I worry about the polyps being retracted? 1 week 2 weeks 1 month how can you tell how healthy it is????


Active Member
If some are out their is no need for concern. I would wait it out. When they are all not out for a few days, then you may need to do something.
I find they do good in moderate to high currant. Moderate to high light.


I have 5 watts per gallon of mh lighting so I know thats not the problem. Should I have the powerhead blowing directly on them???????? I have about 1/2 foot behind them and about 4 inches above so the polyps that are out are moving in a circular rotation with the current.


I just bought a nice green star today. Some of the polyps came out but many are still retracted. They do like higher current and can be fed phyto.


Active Member
Mine were mostly closed for almost a week. You've got several things here.
1. New to your tank
2. Need to adjust to your mh lighting most probably.
3. They like a fairly brisk current.
4. They need to adjust to your tank chemistry
They are hardy corals so I wouldn't worry too much but, now that you feel the stress of not understanding them when buying I'm sure you understand why NM Reef suggested to research before buying, then you know what to expect and don't have so much stress. You need to get your calcium slowly back down to around 420-450 IMO too. Hope this helps. I think your gsp's are going to be fine.:)


i thought my green star polyps was dead. Didn't open at all for almost 3 weeks. Came to find out it was covered with cyano bacteria. This before i knew what cyano was. I thought it was algae. Medicated for almost another week and not long after that it started to open again.
give it time. If it's not opening in a week. Move him.


Active Member
Just to add to what has already been said---I have had mine for six months or so, and it had partially opened once when I had a fish picking at it. Do you have anything that could be picking at it? Or maybe perching on it? Just a thought.


I just recently moved it and gave it a good overlooking nothing perched on it or picking at it. Will just have to wait and see if the repositioning helps.