Bought My First Coral


Ok I finally have had the tank up and running and I have 5.5 watts per gallon and theSkimmer is doing great along w/ the cleaning crew. So I decided to buy my first coral. I got som Zoanthid polyps. Ive been reading and these seem to be in every tank and the care level is easy.

My question is this now that I started w/ this coral. What should I watch out for w/ it. And how should I acclimate it any help and hints would be great. Also How fast should I expect thes to grow?


Active Member
Most people acclimate like they do fish. I must admit that for corals I've never done much to acclimate, but then I know the source and my LFS and I have pretty much the same water parameters. This site has some good acclimation instructions.

See Here!
Now comes the hard part for you.
What to get next?


Active Member
1.keep an eye out for phospate, they inhibit the growth of corals. may have to move around or add powerheads depending on what you get in the future and where you put them.
3. Dont buy alot of fish
4. Get some mushrooms, if they dont live nothing will.
5. Once you go LPS you dont go back (to softies except ricordia or unusual zoa, there's always room for those) so get the softies first.

and I only temp acclimate corals regardless of type.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
1.keep an eye out for phospate, they inhibit the growth of corals. may have to move around or add powerheads depending on what you get in the future and where you put them.
3. Dont buy alot of fish
4. Get some mushrooms, if they dont live nothing will.
5. Once you go LPS you dont go back (to softies except ricordia or unusual zoa, there's always room for those) so get the softies first.

and I only temp acclimate corals regardless of type.
I agree 100%.
And to add one point.....softies and polyps are "gateway corals"


Thanks for all the info
Now reading up on the Zoanthid polyps that I bought it says that they will spread quickly. Is this true?