bought new lights and came home to death


Active Member
hello all i bougght lights tody to a start to my 30 gallon reef! they are 30 inch 130 watt light
it is a coral life aqua light
when i cam to to assemble it i found him dead (cherub angel)
i have no clue what killed him my perameters are good where theay are supposed to be idk what killed him he looked fine when i scooped himout and found no signs of stress just his mouth wide open and extended like 3-4 centimeters i found a bumble bee sanil on top of him and a cleanershrimp joined in thhe cleaning. :mad:
any other things to check/do i did add some more saltwater(waterchange) then a top off so water should be good so i am going to have my lfs do anohter water test to see if they come out different!
if so time to invest in diff test kits. mine was a cheap one little did i know that they all dont work the same :scared:
anyways what should i do? i would like to add 2 bluegreen chromis if its possible.
i have 2 clowns 1 inch
1 mandarin 1 inch
what els can go in if i decide agains the chromis?
i would like a butterfly if it is possible?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
hello all i bougght lights tody to a start to my 30 gallon reef! they are 30 inch 130 watt light
it is a coral life aqua light
when i cam to to assemble it i found him dead (cherub angel)
i have no clue what killed him my perameters are good where theay are supposed to be idk what killed him he looked fine when i scooped himout and found no signs of stress just his mouth wide open and extended like 3-4 centimeters i found a bumble bee sanil on top of him and a cleanershrimp joined in thhe cleaning. :mad:
any other things to check/do i did add some more saltwater(waterchange) then a top off so water should be good so i am going to have my lfs do anohter water test to see if they come out different!
if so time to invest in diff test kits. mine was a cheap one little did i know that they all dont work the same :scared:
anyways what should i do? i would like to add 2 bluegreen chromis if its possible.
i have 2 clowns 1 inch
1 mandarin 1 inch
what els can go in if i decide agains the chromis?
i would like a butterfly if it is possible?

Butterflies require much more room.... but I hear tales of certain kinds being kept in a reef.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
We need more info. like exact parameters. s.g level and age of tank etc.
the tank is 2 months old.
now i am looking towards the nano and my frickin damsel wich i took out of my 30 is now chasing my chromisa around :mad:
i hate that thing i am wanting to :mad: flush the (cenosered language) down the toilet.
jkjk but seriously though
well i set the tank up for him then added chromis but now i want him gone?
but back to the topic well if the tank age was an issue wouldnt he of had a problem since day 1? cus he was vey healthy till now.. now hes in the big ol' blue


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Butterflies require much more room.... but I hear tales of certain kinds being kept in a reef.
hmmm. ok what about a six line and a tiger jawfish?
id rather not experiment with their lives unless there is a kind that WILL live cus i cant take anymore death cus yesterday my yellow tailed blue damsel dies cus i bought it from *****
3.00$ thought i couldnt go wrong so i bought 2 chromis (wich one i think is sick cus he sits on the heater all day and treads water there and dosent school with the rest,.) and the other one is fine and the yellow tail blue damsell.. well you know
i saw a henichous butterfly at ***** 35.00 i wanted it but realized i didnt have room so i went back the next day to see if i could get money back for there dead damsel and they said no so illoked at the butterfly and he had a twitch(ick comming soon).


Active Member
post your levels so we can help you. When did you get the angel, how did you acclimate him? A 2 month old tank is way to young for an angel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
post your levels so we can help you. When did you get the angel, how did you acclimate him? A 2 month old tank is way to young for an angel.
yes but wouldnt he of had problems from day 1? i acclimated him in a bucket for 2 hrs and i used drip method he adjusted nice and stayed for.. well i bought him, three foour weeks a ago :notsure:
and i really don like firefish maybe i do idk i ijust dont care for them too too much to tell you the truth idk maybe ill consider a jawfish and a firefish


Active Member

Originally Posted by bill109
hmmm. ok what about a six line and a tiger jawfish?
id rather not experiment with their lives unless there is a kind that WILL live cus i cant take anymore death cus yesterday my yellow tailed blue damsel dies cus i bought it from *****
3.00$ thought i couldnt go wrong so i bought 2 chromis (wich one i think is sick cus he sits on the heater all day and treads water there and dosent school with the rest,.) and the other one is fine and the yellow tail blue damsell.. well you know
i saw a henichous butterfly at ***** 35.00 i wanted it but realized i didnt have room so i went back the next day to see if i could get money back for there dead damsel and they said no so illoked at the butterfly and he had a twitch(ick comming soon).

I don't believe that is why it died. 4/5 of my fish are from *****. Ich-free and healthy as everything.
I added my angel around the 3 month mark and she is doing amazingly.
Are you feeding them with Garlic Extreme?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
I don't believe that is why it died. 4/5 of my fish are from *****. Ich-free and healthy as everything.
I added my angel around the 3 month mark and she is doing amazingly.
Are you feeding them with Garlic Extreme?
no i feed them forzen brine shrimp and sometimes flake and others prime reef(frozen) its a variety no but as soon as i put him in the tank he went under a rock and never came out
btw the lfs around me do you ever find a goos firefish the ones that do they have fish that arent vr=ery good looking so i try to stay away fform buying fish from them


Too much money, not enough common sense is what killed it. Best stick to chia pets or pet rocks like I told you to before!


Active Member
Originally Posted by GSD
Too much money, not enough common sense is what killed it. Best stick to chia pets or pet rocks like I told you to before!
Where in the heck did that come from? I don't think that is a necessary way to talk to him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Where in the heck did that come from? I don't think that is a necessary way to talk to him.

It's been a war lately.


Active Member
Don't you work for a lfs? I thought I read that someplace :notsure: Don't you get fish there at a discount? Seems funny if you are employed there, they don't give you partial refunds for the fish you get from them. The least they can do is help you pick out what will work for you :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Hopefully you took the mandrin back when you went to the lfs???
i thought that you all said if i bought more lr he will be ok i loaded the tank up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
It's been a war lately.
lol you bet
idk why he come back to start a war and annoy the Sh*t outta me and btw i dont have alot of money so i dont know where the heck that came from im 15 and i work for everypenny of my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bill109
lol you bet
idk why he come back to start a war and annoy the Sh*t outta me and btw i dont have alot of money so i dont know where the heck that came from im 15 and i work for everypenny of my tank.
Good for you. I would quit using frozen brine as it does nothing at all for the fish. Without your posted water parameters it's hard to see anything wrong. Sometimes a fish is just 1 more move away from dying. Did the angel ever look like its stomach was thin or pinched? If it did it might be a sign of collection poisioning. Were you offering it algea sheets? They need nori or seaweed sheets to survive just like a tang IME.