Bow Fronts


I'm not fond square aquariums, I'm seriously considering an Oceanic 46 gal bow front with stand and hood. I've never seen one set up so I'm wondering if the curved glass causing intereference is much of an issue (asside from the seperate issue of HUGE cost)? Also totally unrelated, if an ecosystem algae filter is rated for 40 galons am I right in thinking it's the bioload and not the size of the tank that matters, ie. could I use it on the Oceanic 46?


I have a bow, it looks pretty cool. It's really weird when you look into the tank close up and a fish starts swimming towards the front it looks like it is closer than it really is. Kinda weird. But still love the tank. I also have a regular square one, and the bow is cool, I like it a lot.


If you aren't going to have a heavy fish load, the ecosystem should be fine. I've seen them on a couple of different 40gal setups with 3 or 4 small to med fish(plus all the reef stuff-corals, crabs, etc.), and they looked great. Ecosystem also makes larger systems for larger tanks.