box fish?


Active Member
I am a bit lost here. There is a fish in the box family sold as a spiny puffer. It looks like a Puffer but actually is not a true Puff. It looks like a Pork but its spines are out all the time. I have not had luck keeping them and have tried a number of times to do so. It is sold as a spiny boxfish, stripped burrfish, or Spiny Puffer depending where you live.


I had one and I'm sure some of the sharks can give you better answers but here's my experience. They are an awesome looking fish and have great personalities!! I was told that they are very hardy but mine died and here's the downside---They are a boxfish which means they exude a poison from their body when they are extremely stressed out or when they die. This poison if not removed immediately will wipe out your tank...Which happened to me. I was a newbie and still am and this is one of those dumb mistakes we all have made. IMHO they are a really cool fish but I would avoid them unless it was a tank dedicated to the boxfish. They just aren't worth the risk!