Boxfish / DF Puffer



Has anyone kept a boxfish / cowfish with a dogface puffer? :thinking:


I had a cowfish for 2.5 days. I found him stuck between some rocks. :rolleyes: He was cool while he lasted.


i have benn keeping a cowfish for 4 months now they are really clumsy swimmers so you have to put a spunge on the suckon were the the power head is. I never kept them together but i heard from someone that on cowfgish riped the skin off the puffer. My cowfish is full of personality but i dont know what hapens when u puffer together.


If I wasn't so damned worried about one releasing its toxin I'd try it. Judging from the lack of responses, I think i'll forget about the idea. :thinking:


I now that many ppl are discuraged from this fish although I dont know why. THese fish will relase toxins if it is in extrem danger. I keep mine with a blue tang kole tang tomato clown and a perc.
Here is a story:
I was cleaning my tank and i took out the spung from the power head and I forgot to put it back. Well the next day my brother tells me that i think your fish died, all that I could see was his two horns. I got freaked and turned it of the cowfish came out very bloody all his fins were torn and again very bloody. I was positive that he was a goner i put him in a quarantine tank. He healed in a matter of 4 weeks.
I think that’s the most stress a fish can have from all the possible things that can happen. It did not let out toxins, and now it is healthy in my tank.
One more thing there is huge amounts of stress put on a fish during delivery don’t you think it would let out toxins.
I say go for one it are such cool fish although i can tell you if it is compatible with a puffer.
Here is my little guy: