boxing crab?


Has anyone here ever had a boxing crab? I am just fascinated with them and I am interested in getting one. I have a 20g nano with plenty of hiding spaces and plenty of light. Is this crab compatable with other crabs like emeralds and a sally light foot? Are these crabs hardy, or do they require special care/feeding? I have checked different sites and found mixed results, so I am curious to know someone's first hand experience with them. Thanks a bunch :)


I have had two Boxing (Pom Pom) crabs for about a month and they are doing great. I have a 20G long and they both have their own side of the tank. When they do confront each other they have a quick little fight and they are back in their corners. I feed them brine shrimp flakes. I have had one that has molted already, their molted shell looks like a dead crab they have no tell tale cracks or splits in like other crabs molted shells. You have to look at the eyes if the eyes are perfectly clear than it is a molted shell and you can discard it. IMO they are a very pleasing crab to have, they hide most of the day and will only come out to feed.


did each of them come with two anenomes? or were they lacking one, or both? thanks for the info! :)


I had a boxing crab with no luck. It came with one anenome and lost it after molting after that it ripped the ends off my anenome in the tank and would carry that around for a couple days intil it (the tip) died, then it would hunt down my anenome and do it agein.


I just got one last night. He's got both his pom poms. I've got plenty of places to hide, so I'm hoping not to have any problems with him and my peppermint shrimp.
Good to know I can keep more then one in the tank since I'm considering another one. That or an anenome crab.


Does anyone know what kind of anenomes are on the boxing crabs claws??? do they just stay that small in nature...or are they just baby anenomes...It'd be interesting if they stayed that small and you could keep them and they would make other tinier anenomes....
maybe im getting ahead of myself....Do these crabs often lose their anenomes in the molts? and if you have correct lighting shouldn't their tiny anenome survive until they can find it again?