Boxing crabs


Hey all, are the boxing crabs sold on this site included with (tiny) anenomes? It does seem a bit pointless if they're not....


Active Member
I would assume so. I have one from here and it does. But sometimes the lose them and they may pick up something else. However, they are in general just very pretty crabs though sometimes you have to look to spot them.
One of my fav pics:


Active Member
Dont even think about purchasing one of these crabs from this site.. i've been on the waiting list for one of these FOREVER =c(


WHAT a cool crab...
I wonder, though... does the anenome eventually grow too big and he has to put it down, or are they a different species of anenome?


Active Member
Ya know, I just don't know
I think it is just a smaller species but they could pick up something else along the way. I'm starting to see my own specimen (not the one above - that was one in a tank where I worked) more frequently and he still has what he came with. So time will tell. But overall I think they are a cute and often beautiful animal. Mine is not quite as stunning as the one above in have such defined markings, but that is just an individual variation. I think they are fascinating and their behavior is as well. Used to point them out to anyone I could...and it is great because they are boxing crabs for boys and pompom crabs for girls
Works for both! LOL

sinner's girl

Decorator crab is cool! He picked two little pieces of cc, looked like eyes, then he picked a piece of black stuff off the ph. He's also picked up some random stuff...looks odd