Boyd Chemi-Clean


I have red slime in my main tank i put Boyd Chemi-Clean in my tank friday afternoon but buy today sunday i still have red slime in my tank. i turned off my uv light + skimmer . Does this stuff work or is there a better product ot there that will work but not kill fish. I'm going to do a 20% water change and give it another try.


I have the same problem and thats what I use. I see no changes though. I have a hob filter, an aqua c remora skimmer, a phosban reactor, and an extra PH for good measure. I cut back feeding to every other day, cut my lighting to 8 hrs a day, do a water change once a week. Nothing helps. My tank is completely covered in it.


Staff member
I always had good luck with the product, but you must be sure to use it exactly. Turn off your lights for a few day, except for a few hours while feeding fish.


Active Member
any chemical additive should be a last resort and unless you fix the problem that gave you the cyno outbreak in the first place it will be back in extreme cases to get yourself ahead of the cyno my lfs sells a prtoduct called red slime remover that they say always works but again you need to reduce nutrients and increase current or it will be back


I`ve reduced nutrients. I even changed my food choices. I have tons of flow in the tank. I go through the tank every weekend removing cyano with a turkey baster.


Active Member
have u cleaned your substrate because it can harbor a lot of waste are you running a effecient enough skimmer how is your tank stocked(u may have written this but i dont currently recall) do you run a wet/dry or refugium


Oh is just bought this stuff and have not opened it also I added phospate remover
95gal w/ Aqua C remora and hob no sump/ refugium
I vacum the sand 1 a every 2 weeks
I put some Kent Phosphate remover in the hob
What wrong?


I have 6 fish in a 75 gal reef ready tank + a sump+ skimmer. i have a sand bed it's clean
My water readings are
Salinity 1.023
Calcium 200 need to raise 400 to 450 it’s low
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate- 0
Phosperess- 0
temp - 78


Active Member
what type of fish? you can get low or no phosphate readings (and lower nitrate) than you have being produced because the cyno is using it up and growing not allowing it to show up accurately on your tests how often do you feed, most fish will be okay with everyother day feedings to help control the growth you could cut back on feedings temperarily and do large (not over 40-50% so u dont totally dissrupt your biological filter) every 2-3 days clean your bottom on different sides of your tank each time and try running a phosphate remover . it will not be a instant fix but you should be able to reduce the cyno food source enough that it feeds itself out of food and cant survive if you truly make an honest effort and you still cant get rid of the cyno then go for something like the ultralife product but remember you are going to be affecting your biological filter at the same time so be sure to monitor your nitrites and amonia if you choose to go the chemical route


yellow tang
Diamond Goby
Blue-green Chromis
2 clowns
Dog Puffer
cleaner shrimp
not a lot of red slime in main tank i have cheato in the sump


My experience with cyno: I have a 125 gallon reef and I battled cyno for weeks and tried everything(feeding every other day, RODI water, lights off, phos reactor, etc.)
I have a local guy in my neighborhood who has an incredible 180 reef aquarium. I thought too that I had lots of flow in my tank. I have 2 returns off of a mag pump and 7 powerheads all at least pushing 290 gph. When he came over he said " YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH FLOW"
I broke down and got a tunze stream kit with two Tunze 6000's and a controller. Each Tunze pushes up to 1850 GPH and with the controller you can put them on different programs so that you can always get the debris in motion, so that eventually it makes its way to your filter.
hope this helps.


I have never vacumed my sand. It is so fine I don`t want to stir it up and vacum up all of it. I have moved it around and see a large dirt cloud rise from the sand that looks really unhealthy.


Active Member
flow is a great option i dont think about it because i have 4 powerheads along with a split return and a hob fuge so my coral is used to being blasted by a powerhead and doesnt open up it isnt being poped by my powerheads(those rotating ones my zoo med) i even have one set up behind my rocks blowing toward my megaflow return just to keep stuff from settling behind i have never done the numbers thing on my flow but be carefull not to go to overboard to fast so things have time to adjust fish, inverts and coral


Active Member
after thinking about what you said and not the other replys for a minute after my reply you may want to test for dead spots in your tank ie some spots that arent getting as much flow as others and maybe rearange some onf your powerheads if your cyno is in a localized area and having a macro growing really helps your nutrients stay low but running a small amount of phosphate remover may give you the edge to stop the cyno