BRA getting smaller?


I have had this green BTA for 7 months now, and when I bought it from SWF, it was quite large and i really liked it but now he looks like he has shrunk ALOT any idea's on what might be happening? everything is in normal range and the lighting has
not changed.


Active Member
Well that maybe true, but what is your lighting? You anemone is very bleached. This is typically an indication of sub standard lighting. Was it this color when you purchased it? Please give more info on your tank including lighting type and wattage.


hahah its seems to be a problem...
The BTA was about 5 inches and a bright green color.
ph 8.0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate is 0 or 10 its hard to tell
Ammonia 0
Alk 3.0
It is the 24 Gal aqua pod stock lighting, Yes I know! I know!, everyone keeps telling me to upgrade them on here, but when I went into my LFS they tell me that "I DO NOT need to upgrade it". so I doubt that it is my lighting, I was told that I need to feed it more " meat "
So far it is holding everything fine expt the bta, my frog spawn has grown out of control from when I got it, 6+ new heads. and yes the PBC piping is ugly but its the only thing that will hold it up at this point...
on another note my new addition has already split into 2 heads



Active Member
Most LFS will tell you anything to make a sale.
If they are not T5's or MH's, you NEED to upgrade your lights to keep an anemone.
there is a difference between living and being alive..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Alexknight
hahah its seems to be a problem...
The BTA was about 5 inches and a bright green color.
ph 8.0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate is 0 or 10 its hard to tell
Ammonia 0
Alk 3.0
It is the 24 Gal aqua pod stock lighting, Yes I know! I know!, everyone keeps telling me to upgrade them on here, but when I went into my LFS they tell me that "I DO NOT need to upgrade it". so I doubt that it is my lighting, Trust me its your lighting, no doubt about it I was told that I need to feed it more " meat "
So far it is holding everything fine expt the bta, my frog spawn has grown out of control from when I got it, 6+ new heads. and yes the PBC piping is ugly but its the only thing that will hold it up at this point...
on another note my new addition has already split into 2 heads

I wouldnt think you need more proof that your lighting is insufficient but in the event you do, wait a couple more months. The anemone will die and then you wont need anymore proof. There is only one reason an anemone bleaches, that is lack of zooxanthellae. This can happen 2 different ways, light shock ie. too much light (not likely in your case) or not enough light, 100% the issue in your case. Spot feed every other day soak the food in selcon or superselco, and either upgrade your lighting or be prepared to deal with a dead anemone. Good luck..
FYI the only reason your frogspawn is doing so well is because its so close to the surface of the water and they dont require as intense light as anemones do.


Active Member
oldest trick in the book...
its right next to "yeah you can keep that shark in your nano"
upgrade the lights and if you cant afford to do it asap bring it back to the lfs- or give it to someone who can take care of it. you wont be able to sell it like that.
Good Luck


So I did break down and did get a MH, all though I was not happy about the price of it but who is?
its the 150 HQI i guess you guys where right that MH would work better then the stock... I can tell everything is loving the new lighting but the BTA just inflated more... I know its not a over night fix, anyway have a idea on how long it may take to recover? on the down side on my way home from the fish store I got hit by another car... just my luck right?



Active Member
After seeing the clam iin there: YAY! for getting the MH!! lol... your clam would have had a simmilar fate. Be careful about "burning" your corals with the new light tho, keeping it on all day will be a shock to them, you'll have to "wean" them on to it.


I have cut back the lighting time its on from 8 am to 6 pm, I think that might be a little to much still but I am keeping a very close eye on everything right now. with a MH how long should it be on a day, I know in sea sunrise and set is 6 am to around 8pm at night its not direct lighting all the time...