brackish to saltwater


hi everyone hope you can help i have a 92gal glass corner tank that has been an african cichlid tank for 8yrs. it is plumbed with a magnam 350 one large power head and 2 air stones a 36in flouresant single bulb light 3-4inches of crushed coral that has been in the tank since day one ph is buffered at 8.2 salinity is at 1008 have used cichlid salt to get to that reading just wondering if i can add instant ocean to get salinity up add live rock and fish just want a bunch of damsels for color and activity as low maintenance and cost as possible from reading for a couple of days on this site i guess i might need a cleaning crew does anyone have any suggestions? thanks in advance for any help


uh oh what does that mean? i knew lfs didnt know what he was talking about. i probably have to start fresh right. sorry for my ignorance will probably stick with africans as i dont have a ton of money


Active Member
First welcome to the boards! What you propose to do is not impossible but SW is a different world. I keep AC's for many years, pretty much every set up couold imagine. But when I moved to salt I didn't know squat. So you're on the right track by reading/research and should do more to save cash. Some of what you have will work but isn't the best for SW. What do you want to do? Go Reef or just FOWLR (Fish Only With Live Rock).
Do you have a Under gravel filter? The CC can work but I would advise sand but if not cut back to an inch of CC. The Can filter will work but you will need to add flow (powerheads). You will need a skimmer most likely.
Being that you have had the tank up and running for 8 years I would rip it down anyway and give it good cleaning. Have you used copper in the tank for meds at anytime?
great book "Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner, will answer a lot of questions.


i just want to go FOWLR i do not have an undergravel filter and have never used meds in this tank i keep tank pretty clean but if i start with new water should i cycle tank with no lr and just a raw shrimp or should i put lr in right away with raw shrimp tp cycle what skimmer do you suggest?


Active Member
Well i will bet dollars to dounuts that the CC is nasty, so I would get rid of it and go with sand. Wuth that size of a tank consider setting up a sump or sump/refuge. This will be part of the bio-filtration. If you cycle the tank adding the LR should be done first and shrimp will kick it off well. You can get away with the Can but probably not enough flow. For a FOWLR you need around 10x water volume. So that means good return pump and Power heads in the tank.


thanks tim you are very helpful and yes cc is probably nasty. my tank is plumbed with an overflow will sand get sucked up? and how much do you think a sump/refuge will cost me ballpark? thanks again


Active Member
A HOB overflow or a Reef Ready tank? Either case no I doubt it. It all depends on if you make one or buy one premade. Got any smaller tanks around. Search the boards there are tons of designs out there. Even if you pick up a used tank cheap and some glass baffles and silicone and you got it. The big expence will be a return pump. How much flow does your OF handle? You will also need an inexpensive light for the fuge. Skimmers can run some cash but again look around and you can get some pretty good deals but don't go for cheap skimmer.
Oh yea, be preparred to get sucked in and want to go reef. I loved my cich's very much but after 20 years off and on I got bored. SW is more work but there is so much more you can do with it and the livestock is fantastic. Start slow and work your way up.


its a reef ready overflow. i dont know how much flow it handles but its plumbed with 3/4 in fittings. i have plenty of tanks a 29 a20L and a bunch of 10s. whats the difference between a reef and fowlr. same with me 20 years of cichs and im bored too. wow i just got of the phone $11.79 a # for live rock at lfs wow. wholesaler i know said he has 20# for $4.75 a # still seems high


Originally Posted by cain420
here we go again!
what he meens is that theres been threads about the same subject that all led to arguments''fresh to salt ; salt to fresh; salt to brackish''all lead to


Active Member
Originally Posted by morales67
what he meens is that theres been threads about the same subject that all led to arguments''fresh to salt ; salt to fresh; salt to brackish''all lead to
EXACTLY! :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by 69stang
its a reef ready overflow. i dont know how much flow it handles but its plumbed with 3/4 in fittings. i have plenty of tanks a 29 a20L and a bunch of 10s. whats the difference between a reef and fowlr. same with me 20 years of cichs and im bored too. wow i just got of the phone $11.79 a # for live rock at lfs wow. wholesaler i know said he has 20# for $4.75 a # still seems high
Check prices online! The auction site is worth a look as well as here on SWF. You'll find better and less expensive online.
So how many 3/4" holes 2 or 3? What do you think you could fit under the stand? The 29 and the 20 woould work if they would fit. Corner stand may be tough. I don't know if a skimmer large enough to handle your tank would fit in a 10?
Maybe someone would happen along to help :thinking: !
FOWLR = Fish Only with Live Rock. Reef = corals and inverts
You need lights for a reef. If you go FOWLR and LS then down the road when you get the cash for lights go reef. If you decide to.
If you change over you will not regret it. It actually restored the reason that I keep fish.