brain color


I know lots of you guys have brains, so, mine seems to be losing color and a little bit of size. I have never fed it, was told not too, anyone use marine snow for feedings. My water is fine, all other corals are good. This is my first brain. Please advise!


New Member
You should check where you have the brain in the tank. You may need to put it highier in your tank so that it can get more light. Target feeding will help but be carefull not to over feed it. Also when i first bought my brain it closed an the color faded for a few days and then opened up to a beautiful 5-6 in. How long have you had the brain.


Active Member
I always place my brain corals in the sandbed. Is yours a green or red one. The red ones require less light than the green ones. I would also strongly reccomend feeding your brain once a week. I use small pieces of silversides at night after lights are out & feeder tenticles are exposed. Place a piece of food in a mouth or two. You should see its color come back in a few weeks. HTH :D