Brain Coral bleaching



My Brain coral (moon brain) came from a system with PC lights. I have 2 250 watt MH's with 20k bulbs.
Ive noticed that the coral seems to be bleaching from the light.
Will the coral regain its color or how do I prevent the coral from bleaching further. I have since moved it to the fuge to prevent further damage.
I will post pics later of the before and current pics.


Active Member
yes it can regain its color under proper conditions. where did u hv it b4 the fuge? with mh, it should be on the sandbed or slight shaded.


Originally Posted by nycbob
yes it can regain its color under proper conditions. where did u hv it b4 the fuge? with mh, it should be on the sandbed or slight shaded.
about 10 or so inches above the sandbed. 15 or so inches below the MH's.
I will try moving it to the sandbed under some shade. Thanks. How long before it regains its color if at all, and how do I tell if its dead?


Active Member
if its got flesh on it, then its still good. hard to say for sure the time table, since very tank is different. 10-15 inches from mh is very bright. it could be shocked.