Brain Coral Prices


There is this red brain I want to buy from my LFS but have held off due to its size. LFS wants $35 for it but it is pretty small. I would guesstimate it is 3 inchs or so. On another post I read someone quoted $25-$40 as being reasonable but made no indication as to how big it would be for that price. I assume the red brains are more expensive because every where I look online they tack on another $5-$10. Any thoughts? I have been patiently waiting for a red brain and this is the first I have seen in a while. TIA


New Member
That sounds a little high to me. If you have a good relationship with the sales person try talking them down, 30$ would be a fair price. If they wont lower the price try somewhere else.


Active Member
If you LIKE this one particular red open brain a lot - the difference of $5.00 doesn't sound like too much to worry about.
I hate to second guess myself, saying, I bet I can find a better one later ~ then ~ wishing I had purchased it when I don't find one as near as nice.
I know when you see the right one that strikes ya - buy it !
Red open brains go for around $30-$40 bucks each, at the one good reef store here in town.


Thats a little high for one around here, but I am with broomer if it is something that you want get it, I have played that game that I could get it cheeper somewhere else and lost it all together