Brain Coral???

I was looking at my live rock today and found something interesting. it looks like a plaster on the rock about 2 square inches and 1/4 inch high. It has the texture of brain coral. However I do know that I never bought any...infact I dont have any coral. Can this just grow over time. Maybe it is something else.
I also think I have a mushroom. It is growing in a protected area inside the rock. Is this normal?
If anyone has more information about mushrooms or my supposed "brain coral" i would totally appreciate it. here are my tank parameters
29 gallon tank
50/50 lighting
7.5 lbs of live rock
20 lbs live sand
PH 8.2
NO2 0
NO3 0
NH4 0
salinity 1.022
78 degrees F
Tank has been going for 3 months.